Keynote Panel: Open Education and Ethical Futures

Session Description

This keynote panel brings together four international speakers in conversation, to explore feminist perspectives and some of the most critical issues facing the future of Open Education. With a particular emphasis on what an ethical future in open education practice and research may look like we are going to discuss practical examples of how we are negotiating our paths. We will share insights into policy development for ethical practice, using values development to build networks, using open technologies to support open educational practices, and creating ethical frameworks for learning technology. We will also talk about the Open COVID Pledge for Education and the increased importance of sharing practice and insights at this moment in time.

Chaired by Su-Ming Khoo from NUI Galway, we are looking forward to your questions and participation as we explore Open Education and Ethical Futures at OEGlobal.

JOIN the Keynote Monday, November 16, 9 am Toronto-Ontario, Canada (GMT-4).

Meet the Panel

Dr Maren Deepwell is the Chief Executive of the Association for Learning Technology, UK. ALT is an independent charity and the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, representing thousands of individual and organisational Members from all sectors including Further and Higher Education and industry. ALT launched the Open COVID Pledge for Education, supports an international Open Education Special Interest Group, the Open Access peer review journal Research in Learning Technology and organises the OER Conference.

Frances Bell is a retired Information Systems academic, now an Independent Researcher in Informal Learning, and Honorary Life Member of the Association for Learning Technology. Frances is a feminist and that informs her practice (suspended due to COVID-19), as an IT Buddy at her local library (also suspended); and as a founder member of FemEdTech, a network that is a key site for feminist praxis. You can find out more about Femedtech at the Open Space Frances’ blog/website is at and she is @francesbell on Twitter.

Anne-Marie Scott is the Deputy Provost at Athabasca University, Canada’s largest open university and a leader in online learning. She has worked in a variety of Higher Education roles in the UK and Canada and understands online learning in both campus and distance education contexts. Amongst her interests are reducing barriers to accessing education; scalable online learning models; the use of new technologies and the open web in learning, teaching, and student support; and the uses of data in education. She blogs and uses Twitter regularly as @ammienoot

Dr. Tannis Morgan is an advisor, Learning and Teaching, and researcher, open education practices at BCcampus. Her research is at the intersection of distance education, educational technology, and open education, and is currently focused on impact and OEP, and social justice frameworks for measuring impact. Tannis is one of the founding members of the OpenETC, a community of educators, technologists, and designers sharing their expertise to foster and support open ed tech infrastructure for the BC post-secondary sector. She blogs occasionally and is @tanbob on Twitter.

Su-ming Khoo is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Sociology, and leads the Environment, Development and Sustainability (Whitaker Institute) and Socio-Economic Impact (Ryan Institute) Research Clusters at NUI Galway. She researches and teaches human rights, human development, public goods, development alternatives, decoloniality, global activism, and higher education.


Hi everyone! I am looking forward to be part of this Keynote Panel alongside my fellow speakers and our Chair. If you’d like to find out more about me, here is a link to my blog

Hi Maren! Welcome to OEGlobal 2020. I’ve bookmarked the keynote and am looking forward to it!

Hi Maren, hi everyone, I’m looking forward to chairing this inspiring keynote session!


Hi all. Looking forward to participating in this session and hopiing we all learn from each other.


Thanks everyone who attended and contributed to our conversational keynotes. Let’s continue the conversation here. There were many interesting ideas emerging in the chat.

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Thanks for a lively and caring conversation. Let’s get those “Kindness and Grace” t-shirts going. Maybe post that rich resource doc here?

And nice to see Nessie in Kamloops!


Recording of the panel:


Key note addresses were visually attractive and connected to the participants
Thanks a lot
with regards

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Thanks for those kind words - the resources doc is at and the recording is at

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Thank you for sharing video presentation and resource doc.
With regards
Chandrakant Baviskar

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