This was the live stream viewing room for all sessions in Bear (Salon 8/10) and now includes all recordings
All archived sessions are currently being uploaded to OEGlobal’s YouTube conference channel playlist, added to the Sched entry for sessions, and also listed below.
While watching the live stream or at any time later, you can open the live chat to message other viewers (only available if you are logged into OEG Connect)
See also the streaming room for sessions in Beaver (Salon 12).
Monday October 16 General Sessions
- 2023-10-16T15:00:00Z→2023-10-16T15:30:00Z Opening Ceremony (General)
- 2023-10-16T15:30:00Z→2023-10-16T16:30:00Z Embracing Two-Eyed Seeing to Revitalize Sustainable Relations: Miyo-Wahkohtowin Darrion Letendre (Keynote)
Monday October 16 Program Sessions
2023-10-16T17:00:00Z→2023-10-16T17:30:00Z Providing Sami Resources on NDLA - Background, Description and Challenges. Margreta Tveisme (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-16T17:30:00Z→2023-10-16T18:00:00Z La Fabrique de l’Intercultu-rel : Comment Concevoir un Projet de Pédagogie Ouverte et Durable pour/avec Étudiants et les Étudiants en Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliothèques qui Contribue au Développement des Compétences Interculturelles? Marie D. Martel (Open Practices & Communities)
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2023-10-16T19:00:00Z→2023-10-16T19:30:00Z How blockchain and micro-credentials could support SDG4: Education for all Rory McGreal (Wildcard)
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2023-10-16T19:30:00Z→2023-10-16T20:00:00Z Open Licensing Improves Institutional Responsiveness and Reduces Administrative Burden During Emergencies Heather Schwitalla; Ira Gooding (OE Sustainability / Societal Changes)
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2023-10-16T20:00:00Z→2023-10-16T20:30:00Z Introduction to Criminology – A Canadian Open Education Resource: Phases, Funding, Challenges and Recommendations for Future OERs Shereen Hassan (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-16T21:00:00Z→2023-10-16T21:30:00Z DigitalNWT: Designing Open Educational Resources to Support Digital Literacy in Denendeh and Inuvialuit Nunangat (or the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada) Michael McNally; Kyle Napier; Rob McMahon; Deanna Taylor (Open Practices & Communities)
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2023-10-16T21:30:00Z→2023-10-16T22:30:00Z Celebrating Youth, Intergenerational, Intercultural, and Interdisciplinary OER Animation Co-Creators Connie Blomgren; Karen Cook; Stella George (Open Practices & Communities)
Tuesday October 17 General Sessions
- 2023-10-17T15:00:00Z→2023-10-17T15:30:00Z Welcome to Day 2 (General)
- 2023-10-17T15:30:00Z→2023-10-17T16:30:00Z Diamond Open Knowledge Cable Green (Keynote)
- 2023-10-17T19:00:00Z→2023-10-17T19:45:00Z Nitohnak Miyo Pimadisiwin (Seeking a good life) Sandra Lamouche (Keynote)
Tuesday October 17 Program Sessions
2023-10-17T17:00:00Z→2023-10-17T18:00:00Z Community Colleges Lead the Way to Open Education Shinta Hernandez; Robert Lawson; Kimberlee Carter; Una Daly; Marina Aminy (OE Sustainability / Societal Changes)
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2023-10-17T20:00:00Z→2023-10-17T20:30:00Z Open Educational Objects Repository (Uruguay): About Quality and Inclusion Carolina Condado; Juan Dimuro; Ana Williman; Silvana Realini (Open Practices & Communities)
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2023-10-17T20:30:00Z→2023-10-17T21:00:00Z ‘Maamwi’: A Journey Together on Reconciliation Through Open Education Gail Strachan; Carolyn Hepburn (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-17T21:00:00Z→2023-10-17T21:30:00Z OER UNITWIN Network Colin de la Higuera (OE Policies)
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2023-10-17T21:45:00Z→2023-10-17T22:15:00Z The Network of Open Organizations (NOO) - Strengthening and sustaining Open Education through Open Collaboration across Regions Cable Green; Igor Lesko; Paola Corti; Juliane Granly; Marcela Morales; Paul Stacey (OE Sustainability / Societal Changes)
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2023-10-17T22:15:00Z→2023-10-17T22:45:00Z The Growing Edges of Primary/Secondary OER and Open Pedagogy Research Connie Blomgren; Sarah Hammershaimb; Jodi Barber (Research & Open Ed)
Wednesday October 18 General Sessions
- 2023-10-18T15:00:00Z→2023-10-18T15:30:00Z Welcome to Day 3 (General)
- 2023-10-18T15:30:00Z→2023-10-18T16:30:00Z The 6 R’s of Indigenous OER’s: Rethinking and Reworking Indigenous Open Education Kayla Lar-Son (Keynote)
Wednesday October 18 Program Sessions
2023-10-18T17:00:00Z→2023-10-18T17:30:00Z Considering Your Positionalities in Conjunction with Open Education, Sacred Knowledge, and Indigeneity Stephanie Robertson; Emily Bradshaw (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-18T17:30:00Z→2023-10-18T18:00:00Z Building a Native Hawaiian Place of Learning: Indigenization, OER, and the Library Wayde Oshiro; Annemarie Paikai (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-18T19:00:00Z→2023-10-18T19:30:00Z The Role of Open-Access Education in Combating Diabetes & Prediabetes Diabetes Education For All; Nuha Elsayed; Wanna Charlot; Amira Elsayed; Ahmed El-Nazer (Research & Open Ed)
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2023-10-18T19:30:00Z→2023-10-18T20:00:00Z Open Education Policy, Operational Setting and Monitoring at Nantes University Colin de la Higuera; Elise Nelson; Sandrine Gelly-Guichoux; Arnold Magdelaine (OE Policies)
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2023-10-18T20:00:00Z→2023-10-18T20:30:00Z On the Edge: An Aboriginal Search for the Truth about Taiwan’s History Shu-Chen Chiang (Local Indigenous Cultures)
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2023-10-18T21:00:00Z→2023-10-18T21:30:00Z Re-tooling and Re-Schooling: Advancing Workforce Competencies and Literacies to Meet Society’s Climate Risk, Adaptation, Resiliency, and Leadership Imperatives Vivian Forssman (OE Sustainability / Societal Changes)
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2023-10-18T21:30:00Z→2023-10-18T22:00:00Z Where does AI Fit into All of This? Evaluating the Interplay Between AI, Open Pedagogy, and Competency-Based Learning Kristene Coller; Charissa Lee (Open Ed Tech)
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Invalid date→2023-10-18T22:30:00Z Weaving Métis Education: A Spotlight on the building a Rupertsland Community of Métis Learners Lisa Savill; Breane Mahlitz (Local Indigenous Cultures)
Wednesday October 18 Conference End
- 2023-10-18T22:30:00Z→2023-10-18T23:00:00Z Conference Closing (General)