OE Competency Framework

Indeed, this is quite a comprehensive resource, Lisa-- and noting a bit of wonderful serendipity given it is built upon the original framework by IFADEM, (Francophone Initiative for Teacher distance Training) and our first Board View post by @PerrineCoet about OEG Francophone.

The fact that it goes far being resources to include ethics, equity, social justice, the UNESCO recommendation, the SDGs, open pedagogy, sustainability is worth applauding as well (Go Maricopa!).

I’m curious if you can say more how the framework is applied and used, or will be, at Maricopa? Obviously, it can provide guidance for planning faculty development. Is there some way this is woven into perhaps portfolio building? Performance review? program evaluation?

And also, because I’d guess you are already planning or thinking about it, is there some plans or development for perhaps micro credentials to go with the framework? Is there thought to building something that would collect the evidence for satisfying the compentencies?

I’d really like to hear others share how they might use this framework or if they have something familiar.

Maybe its worth some of us sitting down and down our own review! Thanks for sharing again, Lisa.

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