Watch this space for where to watch and be part of the OE Week Live series of live webcasts all week long for Open Education Week 2024 as we bring you people, projects, and conversations about everything open.
A few episodes are set with specific topics but the Open Conversations listed below include a review of OE Weeks events happening in the next few hours, but most importantly-- conversations with participants and anyone interested in joining us in the studio. For an idea of how it works, explore the shows from 2023..
It’s more the excitement of an unscripted radio show than just another webinar… It’s OEWeek Live!
Watch the Recordings
All live sessions are instantly archived and available for later viewing from out OE Week Live 2024 playlist
Full Schedule of OEWeek Live Sessions
All dates and times are displayed in your local time zone.
Monday March 4
Special Session on AI Language Translation (of AI for Teachers) Emerging from an OEG Connect conversation on use of AI translation for translation of a new multilingual open text on AI. It’s all related!
When: 2024-03-04T14:30:00Z
Guests: Colin de La Higuera (co-author of AI for Teachers), Sushumna Rao (working to translate into Telugu), Paul Stacey (former OEGlobal Executive Director, researching AI and Open Education) , Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (York University, AI translation and teacher education) + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Official Opening and Monday Open Conversations #1 A preview / overview of the week from OEGlobal’s Alan Levine and Marcela Morales plus a first set of open discussions (guests TBA).
When: 2024-03-04T16:00:00Z
Guests: Michael Branson Smith (York College, interrogating AI and Oblivion.University) , Perrine de Coëtlogon (Université de Lille, OEG Board President, joining after her OEG Francophone presentation), + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Monday Open Conversations #2
When: 2024-03-04T22:00:00Z
Guests: Connie Blomgren (Athabasca U, OEG Board member), Todd Conaway (on “Epiphanies and open friends”), Verena Roberts (Open Pedagogy Talks and AI), + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Tuesday March 5
Special Session: HE4Good Chapter Discussion with Paola Corti and Chrissi Nerantzi , authors of Chapter 11 Calm in the Storm and Higher Education for Good co-editor and Catherine Cronin, plus guests interested in being active in the discussion
When: 2024-03-05T14:00:00Z
Guests: Paola Corti, Chrissi Nerantzi, Catherine Cronin, + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Followup Discussion: and share your own photo metaphors in OEG Connect
Special Session: HE4Good Chapter Discussion with Jim Luke, author of Chapter 6 Closing the factory: Reimagining higher education as commons and Higher Education for Good co-editor Laura Czerniewicz, plus guests interested in being active in the discussion
When: 2024-03-05T16:00:00Z
Guests: Jim Luke, Laura Czerniewicz, + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Open Conversations
When: 2024-03-05T22:00:00Z
Guests: Paul Hibbitts (demoing Docsify This), Alex Enkerli (whatever he has been up to!), Brenna Clarke Gray (“anything but AI!”), + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Wednesday March 6
Open Conversations #1
When: 2024-03-06T13:30:00Z
Guests: Jöran Muuß-Merholz (live from OERCamp in Hamburg), Maren Deepwell (Hybrid Working, amplifyFE), Martin Weller (30 Years of EdTech & 30 Years at Open University, metaphors), Jonathan Worth (Teaching Photography, the AI Bubble), Anne-Marie Scott (Open Systems) + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Special Session: “Developing Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) Literacy: A student-led panel” featuring students in Digital Education programs from the University of Leeds and Edinburgh University
When: 2024-03-06T16:00:00Z
Details: See OE Week Event listing
Watch: Live or recording later
Followup Discussion: in OEG Connect
Thursday March 7
- OEG Live en Español: Compartiendo experiencias de Educación Abierta en Latinoamérica
Cuando: 2024-03-07T16:00:00Z
Invitadas: MarĂa Soledad Ramirez-Montoya, Virginia RodĂ©s, Virginia Brussa, Marcela Morales, y cuatro estudiantes
Detalles: Ver OE Week Evento
Mirar: MĂralo en vivo o mira la grabaciĂłn más tarde
Friday March 8
Open Conversations
When: 2024-03-08T16:00:00Z
Guests: Judith Sebesta (OER/Gen AI course for California Community Colleges), Ajita Deshmukh (My Open Book: Once Upon an Online Time"), Paul Stacey (former OEGlobal Executive Director, researching AI and Open Education), Gardner Campbell + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later
Final Show / Open Conversations
When: 2024-03-08T19:00:00Z
Guests: Rajiv Jhangiani (Brock U, OEG Board member), Heather Ross (open at USask) , Karen Caniaglosi (Every Learner Everywhere), Cynthia Orozco (OER Librarian, Long Beach Community College), Jenni Hayman (SDG renewable assignment sprints) + you?
Details: See OE Week Event
Watch: Live or recording later