We’ve loved seeing all places shared in our first Remixer Postcard activity. Did you think we’d stop at one?
OEG Postcard 2: A Greeting to Conferences Past
Send a card to people you met or just the places you visited for a memorable previous conference. Offer a greeting from OE Global 2020. Share the memories! See if you can find a logo to use for the stamp, and modify the location to show where the conference was.
Remix from mine!
In August 2003 I attended the MERLOT conference in Vancouver, and presented with 2 colleagues I had worked with remotely planning a presentation. We were rather excited about blogs, wikis, and RSS! Even Stephen Downes liked it.
Brian Lamb, D’Arcy Norman, and I branded ourselves the “Three Amigos” and have enjoyed a long lasting friendship since then (no one has aged much since them either).
Comb through your memories of conference experience, and create a remix postcard to send off to those moments.
Our thanks again to @VisualThinkery for creating our Postcard via Visual Thinkery Remix Machine . Look for more to come!