Authors: Liz Yata, Mario Badilla, Susan Huggins
Institution: Open Education Global
Countries: United States, Costa Rica
Topic: Global Collaboration, Strategies, & Policies in Open Education
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Facilitating int cooperation
Session Format: Poster
Open Education Global (OEGlobal) is a member-based, global, non-profit with over 200 members on 6 continents. Their mission is to support the development and use of open education around the world to expand access to education and improve the quality of education, make education more affordable, improve student success, foster collaboration, generate pedagogical innovation, and foster international partnerships and a global participatory culture of learning, creating, sharing and cooperation.To achieve these goals, OEGlobal uses a mix of global events, strategic partnerships, regional nodes, and online communities/communications to engage the global community.
Global events:
-Open Education Week’s goal is to raise awareness and showcase the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. It has become one of the foremost global events recognizing high achievement and excellence in open education.
-The Open Education Global Conference is where the world meets to present and advance the ways open education improves access, participation, and success in education. It is the most internationally diverse conference devoted exclusively to open education, attracting researchers, practitioners, policymakers, educators, and students from countries all across the world.
-The Open Education Awards for Excellence give annual recognition to outstanding contributions in the open education community.
Since collaboration is a fundamental principle of open education, OE Global forms strategic partnerships with other organizations that share common goals and aspirations, including:
-The UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Recommendation which was adopted at the 40th UNESCO General Conference
-Open Education for a Better World: Initiated in 2018, OE4BW is an international online free mentoring program.
-Open Education Policy Forum: This forum is for participants who are involved with or planning to create, an open education policy for their institution, region, or country.
-Open EdTech: OE Global partnered with education technology organizations on a working conference for everyone working to build the future of education on open technology
Regional Nodes
-The Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) is a growing consortium of community and technical colleges in the USA committed to expanding access and increasing student equity through adoption of open educational policy, practices, and resources.
-The LATAM Regional node focuses on supporting open education across Latin America. It is a community of Open education leaders from different countries across the Latin American region.
-The Primary/Secondary education node was recently created to bridge the divide between primary/secondary education and higher education by sharing open education best practices and lessons learned.
The internet has a way of making the world smaller, and OEGlobal is using technology to bring the international open community together.
-The recently launched OEG Connect is an online discussion forum and a community space for open educators everywhere.
-OEG Voices is a new podcast that will showcase stories from the open community
-Extraordinary Stories of Open and Online in the COVID 19 Era is a collection of stories about how educators are responding to a global crisis
community, global, partnership