Thanks for sharing this panel discussion on THE current pervasive topic and we are interested as always to see how this is playing out in all the world corners
I hope anyone you can attend shares their observations.
Also for anyone trying to do the time zone math, here is the date/time converted you your local time zone: 2023-05-17T23:00:00Z
How do you add the correct time zone into a post, Alan? I had included a link to an all time zone converter, but your method is much more convenient when looking at the post on the web. Interestingly, when I received it via email, it showed it only in UTC.
Thankfully, the registration link converts to the assumed time zone of one’s device and thus should show it in the appropriate time zone.
That is a subtle feature in the post editor, Kristina, second icon from the right. You can enter a data/time in any reference time zone (here’s some older notes with details).
There is also an ability when viewing to save a calender .ics file that could be used in any calendar.
But thanks, I did not know in email that it gives UTC time! It seems both approaches are useful (always include a time zone converter link).
There’s always juggling with international events, but I want to do everything to avoid making people to do their own timezone math.