Presenting the Shortlist of Finalists for the 2024 OEAwards

Originally published at: Presenting the Shortlist of Finalists for the 2024 OEAwards – OEGlobal

Once again the Open Education Awards for Excellence provides recognition for the people, resources, and practices in Open Education through its community-driven process. After the process of open nominations in May and our committee review we are excited to share now a not so short list of finalists for the 2024 Awards. Like last year, we do this to build more excitement for the final award announcements, but more importantly to ensure we are recognizing a wider range of open education efforts. This is the next step in adding more entries to the Hall of Fame more than 200 awardees…


It’s here! The Shortlist of finalists for the 2024 Open Education Awards for Excellence. We sent an earlier notice to the contacts and have gotten such wonderful responses.

I am grateful and excited to learn that my project was selected as a finalist for this year’s awards.

I am currently overwhelmed and so struggling a bit to find words to react. As a first reaction, I would say that it is definitely motivating to keep working in the Open Education field which we all do. None of us work for awards but awards and nominations for awards are surely great motivators.

I am deeply honoured to be a finalist for the 2024 Open Education Award for Excellence. It is genuinely humbling to be recognized by the OEGlobal community, and I am grateful to my colleagues, who nominated me.

Thank you so much for the fantastic news! I will get started on creating a buzz in networks right away!

Indeed make buzz here and beyond. Add your messages of congratulations here to any or all people and projects listed.


I’m of course deeply honored and (thanks for the opportunity to use this word!) gobsmacked to be in this company. Open ed folks are the best: none of y’all is going gently into that good night, but rather y’all are fighting the good fight every day to make the world a better place! It’s pretty inspiring… and also a lot of fun!


Congrats to all the people and projects honoured in this year’s OE Awards! Very humbled that my open source project Docsify-This is among them🙏🏼


Who hoo! This is very exciting! The work by each and everyone is indeed motivating! :star_struck: May the most deserving person win. :innocent:

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Thank you so much for our selection as a Finalist for Significant Impact OER - my little team at Frontiers for Young Minds are all delighted and excited to receive this recognition! It’s amazing to be able to show our impact after 10 years, and to take a moment to celebrate what’s been achieved in that time.


What an amazing group of finalists! It’s wonderful to see so many colleagues and friends recognized, and humbling to find our work in such inspiring company.


Congrats on the Open Pedagogy Incubator making the list, we love to hear more updates or details on what is in store for the new academic year (and from all nominee’s projects)…

And thanks Will for joining in the community here, please feel free to send more open educators from NC State here. We welcome all interested in just reading or signing up to contribute.

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This is wonderful @LauraHenderson I have been long a huge fan of the concept and outputs from Frontiers for Young Minds. As someone who has no say in the reviews / selection, it was joyful to see it bubble to the shortlist.

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Thanks, we just received a $50,000 grant to expand the Incubator and pilot a new version focused on bringing a critical, open lens to digital tools. We’re excited to help faculty at NC State, and across the UNC System, bring open pedagogy principles to their evaluation and use of AI, extended reality, and game-based learning. We’re sharing the CFP in a few weeks and the first cohort will be announced later this fall. I hope we’ll have some great things to share at OE Global next year. :globe_with_meridians:

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Hello everyone. I am so thrilled that our open access book Confident Supervisors: Creating Independent Researchers has been included in the shortlist for the award for the significant impact award. Truly humbled to be among the five shortlisted. My email notification to the other 4 editors and 36 authors created a shared moment of delight. All the very best to all those shortlisted and many thanks to OEGlobal for their continuing efforts to promote and enable open education.


Thanks for joining OEG connect, Susan, and also for sharing the news about Confident Supervisors – if readers here have not explored this work check it out.

We would invite anyone here in OEG Connect to explore the shortlist and share a person or project that sparked your interest or curiosity.

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I am very very touched for being nominated. When I look at some of the people and projects in the lists of the different categories I get the feeling that there is a lot of maturity in the field. At times where our answers to the challenges set by tech, industry and fast changing policies make it so important to build an open and sustainable education. Bravo and good luck to all!


We, the Open Music Academy and I personally, are overjoyed to have been selected for the shortlists in the categories “Open Infrastructure Award” and “Educator Award”. We would never have dared to hope for this nomination and we are delighted to be part of an international OER community. All the best to everyone!

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This is wonderful to hear Ulrich, and thanks for joining the community here. I hope you will periodically share updates on the Open Music Academy (OMA) or just let others here know more about it.

I encourage others here to explore the OMA and let us and @Musikisum know what you experience there. Yes, much is in German, but translation tools are readily available. I just zipped in and found a nice collection of images of musical instruments shared as public domain (CC0).

A few more quotes from the shortlisted nominees we contacted with the news-- and make sure you are there next week to watch the live streamed announcement of the winners of the 2024 Open Education Awards.

I really didn’t expect to see my little project on that finalist list but I am so jazzed to see it there :slight_smile:

Thank you! This is amazing news, both for me and my nominator! I had a look at the announcement, and am honoured to be shortlisted amongst some amazing people doing great things for Open. Thank you again for sharing such uplifting news on a long day. I already feel like a winner!

It’s wonderful to be recognised, and take time to celebrate, all that has been achieved in 10 years - and all the amazing researchers and mentors who have given their time for free to help young people engage with science directly via our platform.

I am grateful and excited to learn that my project was selected as a finalist for this year’s awards. Thank you for the opportunity to highlight our OERs and share them with a wider community.

I am super honored and excited and frankly shocked to be shortlisted… It’s just so gratifying to be recognized for the work even though that’s not why we do it.

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So excited that my OER book Heritages of Change: Curatorial Activism & First-Year Writing is a finalist for the award in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion! Thank you!

AND more news: the Revised Edition just came out! Check it out:


Hi All, I am so excited, honoured and grateful to see the wonderful collaborative work of these down under initiatives recognised in the shortlist:

Plus, a fabulous Australian OER which I wasn’t involved in:

Congratulations to everyone and all the projects highlighted in the shortlist. I love that these lists are published so we can explore and celebrate all this amazing work - not just the winners :blush: :star_struck: :partying_face:

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