Rapporteur Report: Webinar 20 可持續的開放式教育資源, 包容和公平的開放式教育資源

  • Day: Oct. 1, 2:00pm~3:50pm Taipei Time
  • Language: Chinese
  • Session: Webinar 20
  • Presenters: 1. Jian-Wei Tzeng, 2. Ya-Chuan Huang, 3. Ta-Wei Li, 4. Hung-Yi Chen, Chi-Cheng Sun, Naomi Lin, Yun-Ting Chang
  • Number of participants: max 57
  • Countries of the participants: Taiwan, South Africa

About the participants

How familiar were they with OER? Were they teachers or faculty members, students, administrators, policy makers, etc?

Most participants are from member institutes of TOCEC (Taiwan Open Course and Education Consortium). 3~5 participants are affiliated with our members. 3~5 participants are from other region.

For TOCEC members, most of them are from Higher Education sector, and know what OERs are. Most of them are focused on producing OER through MOOCs. Either faculty or staff from TOCEC members are participating in this session.

Many participants are policy makers in their institutes.

Brief observations about each of the talks

  1. Jian-Wei Tzeng describes how he used AI technology to apply to MOOCs to facilitate student learning experience (presentation details…)

  2. Ya-Chuan Huang describes institutional research on MOOCs applied into university courses (presentation details…)

  3. Ta-Wei Li describes the open textbook movement in Taiwan in the past 3 years (presentation details…)

  4. Hung-Yi Chen, Chi-Cheng Sun, Naomi Lin, Yun-Ting Chang describe the cooperation between universities in OER development and concept delivery (presentation details…)

Overall key findings from the webinar/pre-recorded presentation/interactive activity

Due to the characteristics of participants today, we have basic acquaintances with each other. However, it is quite fresh to have a Chinese online session without a lot of official personnel (like government officers) arround. The session is really like a world conference with less tense mode. Today, several young staff of universities had their first “Global” presentation ever. They were nervous. However, the mother tongue made things a little bit easier. I believe it’s a very good experience for them. Online conference made it possible.

Positive points regarding the focal areas outlined under the particular OER Recommendation area

What do the speakers and participants believe to be good ideas, good strategies in order to help support the implementation of the Recommendation and in general and through the activities of the UNESCO Dynamic OER Coalition in particular?

During the group discussion time, some participants had raised the issue about the OPEN and copyright, the old original question. That’s why we have to emphasize the UNESCO OER recommandation nowadays. As OER content producers, we might keep in mind that copyright clear content creation needs investment. However, the influence of open education will get us a sustainable world in the future. Alliance in universities could bring attention to the policy makers to more understanding of the importance of open education.

Negative points regarding the focal areas outlined under the particular OER Recommendation area:

What do the speakers and participants believe to be bad ideas, challenges, inappropriate initiatives when aiming to support the implementation of the Recommendation and in general and through the activities of the UNESCO Dynamic OER Coalition in particular?


Complex issues related to the area

issues which are obscure, cultural difficulties, proposals which may go against tradition, work organization?

To create high quality OERs need investments and dedication, but the influences are hard to calculate in such a short time. The address of sustainability needs to be done globally.

Financial questions

Are they important when considering the area? Are there some interesting ideas to raise funding or to invent economic models?

Alliance in universities and co-creation of OER content is one model that could be considered. Like the experience from Taipei System of University, experienced member could brought out the awareness and ability to other members. Co-creation lowers the funding needed for each member. Staff are encouraged to each other and know they are not alone on the road.


Is technology an issue? An obstacle? An ally?

Information visibility, sharing channel, and cumulation are important, especially in a post-COVID era. For example, one teacher commented that she wants to know more about the open textbook and wants to know other faculty’s comments on those open textbooks.

If there is a platform, such as OEG connect, could link those information together. That will be wonderful.

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