Remix and Send a 2022 Open Education Week Postcard

We love seeing how people make use of the remixable postcards we can create, thanks to the Fabulous Remixer Machine by @VisualThinkery

Our version for this week’s event is being made available here first in OEG Connect, with a Jules Verne inspired theme of Around the Open Education World in Five Days

You can customize the postcard image, stamp, postmark, message, sender, recipient, and then share with others.

Use the image to show us a photo of where in the world you are participating or something that represents what you would like to do during the week. Or create any other message that you want to make about this year’s version of Open Education Week.

Please share on social media with the #OEWeek tag but also, reply here with a link to your remix. Send others to make their own cards.

Alan Levine remixed this graphic based on Pixabay image by Artsy Bee plus the OEGlobal created graphics for OEWeek 2022.


Our scouts spotted a card in Twitter-land

And thanks @JudithSebesta for remixing an OEWeek postcard into a Texas style greeting! You can make your own by remixing hers


or starting with the first card. Just change images for the card and/or stamp, customize the message, and publish as a new remix.

Let us know where in the world you are participating in Open Education Week or what you hope to see and do during Five Days Around the World in Open Education.

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Such a neat idea! You truly are a master of visually innovative, user-friendly artifacts like this, Alan, that help increase engagement in OE Global events and activities. Well done!

Okay OEweek participants, next week we go around the Open Education World in 5 Days.

Let us know where you are participating from or maybe where in the world you will go next week (even virtually) by remixing our postcard - change the photo image, the stamp image, write your own message.

Remixes can be tweeted, downloaded, and linked

I am here in a place of large open skies (though it’s all clouded in today) my remix done!



I don’t have any personal connection to this little car, but saw it in a parking lot and was struck by its beauty. Somebody has put a lot of care into it!


That is a lovely ride, Bronwen, even to look at. I’m not a car expert, but had a teen fascination with Corvettes, that sure looks like one. And hello to Eugene, a favorite place I have been lucky to visit friends in.

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Here’s my friend taking her morning ‘constitutional’ in preparation for a full week ahead! Taken very early one morning whilst trying to find errant dogs …!


I am envious you have these friends to see out and about. There are some fond memories of a friend in Melbourne taking me to the penguin parade down south of the city, I don’t seem to have photos.

Maybe I can get a picture of our fox.

Please everyone, remix the postcard, publish, and share your cards.

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That penguin is adorable! I never knew they lived in South Africa. I have only associated them with Antarctica. :star_struck:

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Saludos desde el Sur!
Brazil and Argentina says “here we are!” through the Alquimétricos’ participation in this event.
Check our agenda out:

  • Alquimétricos LAB asset is already posted and pre-released in alpha version Open Education Week
  • The Brazilian launch (in Portuguese) will happen March 10th, 19:00 (BR) Open Education Week
  • An English track on Open STEAM Resources and alternative ways of producing and distributing OERs will be at March 11th, 17:00 Open Education Week
  • We call the Hispanic OER community (vivan los REAs!) to have an open chat on March 11th, 15:00 (Argentina time) Open Education Week

Let’s celebrate the #OERweek!!


I really like your stamp! Such nice colors, composition, and typography! Also, breaking up the word “Alquimétricos” helped me to make sense of it… since it is a long word that is foreign to me. Now that I have seen it in pieces, it is easy for me to read the full word. Did you find a way to make your postmark darker and with meridians?


Here’s our postcard with love from the Frontiers for Young Minds team!


I’m excited, it’s going to be amazing!

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This initiative is so cool!

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Sending you best wishes for a wonderful Open Education Week from the Leeward Community College OER Committee in Hawaii!


Aloha and Mahalo, Wayde- What a great way to see zoom used for a group portrait.

Saludos a la comunidad latino americana y todos nuestros amig@s de alrededor del mundo. ¿Cuáles son las novedades de la región LATAM? ¡Cuéntenos! Deseamos aprender. :open_smiley:

Image by pingwing with CC-BY-NC


I’m an H5P fangirl, so excited to see so many creative uses of HTML5 activities! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you Bronwen for your kind words =)
You’re invited to our launch session tomorrow at
Friday in English and Spanish, same link :wink: