Remixing CC Share-Alike Content, License Implied (likely not)

I’m eager to see some more examples of attributions that include descriptions of modifications. And another reminder of an upcoming Dec 2 webinar from Open Oregon on Awesome Attributions and Lovely Licensing Statements

On my own blogging, I often spend as much time finding, creating the image than writing (hence my typos), but aim to always provide attributions for the featured image at the end. I am not always consistent, sometimes I end up sharing how I found an image, other times I go on about what U was trying to illustrate, and here is an example of how looking for information about an image opened up another door of curiosity (bottom of post)=

I am not offering this is any kind of model, but to suggest as well, beyond satisfying the terms of a license, we have a lot of freedom or possibility (well in my own blog I do) to add more than just a legal statement.