Share the View from Where You Sit During Open Education Week

Where are you doing most of your Open Education Week activities? Are you on site for in person events? Are you doing it mostly online? Take a photo of what you can see from where ever you are sitting (or standing) for OEWeek 25.

I am reprising this activity from the online 2020 OEGlobal Conference but actually it goes much farther back to one I “borrowed” from a great colleague at the Maricopa Community Colleges. Donna Rebadow did this for her online classes in the late 1980s where everything was done as text only in BBS forums.

Just stop reading here, look up and take a photo or just write a text description of the place you are participating in Open Education Week.

This might be your kitchen table, an office, a desk in your den, your back yard. If you share a photo, try to include the device you are connecting with, but also as much of the room or view beyond.

Click reply below, and to post a photo, try the Add Image button in the editor or, if on a computer, drag an icon for the photo directly into the editor.

Here is mine right now. I nearly always work at a wooden table in our kitchen, it has always been my best “workspace” (proximity to coffee and snacks too). Out the window now is some sunshine and much of our winter snow is till sitting on the back deck of the house, but is indeed melting.

Share the view of where you are sitting! Maybe include the screen with the Open Education Week web site on it like mine?

I have four locations I will be participating from: my office, the reference desk at the downtown branch of Reynolds library, the Parham branch of Reynolds college, and (my favorite) from home. I will share pics from each, but since I am currently in my office,

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