We are all at this conference together even if not in the same room building, city, country. As a means of sharing the experience, we invite everyone to share, as a reply to this topic, a photo or just a text description of the place you are participating in the conference.
This might be your kitchen table, an office, a desk in your den, your back yard. If you share a photo, try to include the device you are connecting with, but also as much of the room or view beyond.
To post a photo, try the Add Image button in the editor or, if on a computer, dragging an icon for the photo directly into the editor.
Note: This activity has been done in a number of online conferences, but I know it as something online instructor Donna Rebadow did for classes in the late 1980s conducted in text only forums. See:
What does your view of the conference look like? Show us the view from your conference seat.