Small Actions Bring Big Change ... Small Open Education Action Ideas

In an 1882 letter to his brother Theo, Vincent Van Gogh said:

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

It sums up OEWeek, don’t you think?

We have hundreds of activities running this March, and hopefully, by the end of the month, hundreds more OERs will be added to OEGlobal Connect, the OER Commons, and the OER World Map.

But everyone is time-starved, especially at the moment – so here I am, asking this incredible community what mini tasks can be done – a small 30-minute ask to make open education that small step closer to achieving open education for all … as much time perhaps as it takes to cut and arrange some sunflowers?

I don’t expect you to do all the thinking. I’ve come up with a few ideas (some of them in the Event Guidebook)…

Get your camera and change how others see the world - add the images under a free licence to:

Perhaps … translate an OER into your local language … ?

Or organise a watch party for openly licenced films – some ideas:

I’d love to hear your thoughts and some of the little things you do to make open education come alive where you are.