What’s of interest? Spurious Scholar
Tell me more!
Because if p < 0.05, why not publish?
This is a spoof of having an LLM generate fake research papers bast on pure random correlation.
Step 1: Gather a bunch of data.
Step 2: Dredge that data to find random correlations between variables.
Step 3: Calculate the correlation coefficient, confidence interval, and p-value to see if the connection is statistically significant.
Step 4: If it is, have a large language model draft a research paper.
Step 5: Remind everyone that these papers are AI-generated and are not real. Seriously, just pick one and read the lit review section.
Step 6: …publish
" The silliness of the papers is an artifact of me (1) having fun and (2) acknowledging that realistic-looking AI-generated noise is a real concern for academic research (peer reviews in particular). The papers could sound more realistic than they do, but I intentionally prompted the model to write papers that look real but sound silly. Also: every page says ‘This paper is AI-generated" at the bottom and the first letters of the names of the authors always spell out C-H-A-T-G-P-T.’"
Where is it?: Spurious Scholar
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