Tagged for OEG Connect: The Unresolved Tension Between AI and Learning (Dan Cohen, Humane Ingenuity)

What’s of interest? The Unresolved Tension Between AI and Learning (Dan Cohen, Humane Ingenuity)

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If education is accelerated using AI, will we lose some crucial aspects of learning that will prove to be problematic?

So it seems likely that those who will benefit from AI the most are those who have already done the hard labor of traditional, non-AI learning, who already have the bedrock foundation of knowledge and intuition. Toner-Rogers’s study thus reinforces the point I made last year in “Is Science Becoming Conceptual Art?” The combination of the AI autocompletion of scientific processes and lab automation holds the potential to greatly shorten the distance between a scientific hypothesis and experimental confirmation. In this wonderful world of accelerated science, however, the middle steps formerly tackled by early stage scientists — tomorrow’s future conjurers of breakthroughs — are erased. This, paradoxically, leads to a chasm in the profession in which there is no experiential on-ramp to the fast lane of the principal investigator, no training that gives you the rich base of knowledge and intuition needed to develop your field further.

Where is it?: The Unresolved Tension Between AI and Learning

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