Authors: I-Shan Lin, Hsu-Tien Wan, Ya-Chuan Huang, Chia-Neng Chen, Chung-Hsien Li, Chien-Yi Lin
Institution: Taipei Medical University
Country: Taiwan
Topic: Innovation through MOOCs practices
Sector: Lifelong Learning
UNESCO Area of Focus: Inclusive OER
Session Format: Presentation
Taipei Medical University (TMU) has built on digital curriculum to create MOOCs since 2013. With the partnership of several MOOCs platforms, including Futurelearn and Ewant, TMU has provides more than 60 MOOCs. These allowing TMU’s teachers interacting with the international community and contribute medical knowledge to the world.The international courses we offer are include Pharmacy, Nutrition, Artificial Intelligence and Medical Applications, and Clinical Medical Applications. Course in healthcare are especially popular among learners. Teachers and students can use the platform to collaborate and communicate with other schools, nations, continents and cultures, helping to foster genuine global perspectives.
For the pharmacy course series, TMU provides 7 courses, and more than 19434 learner has participated. Among them, there are around 8024 active learners engage in the course. Learner response 86.7% positive feedbacks. In the survey of region, around 20% learner is from United Kingdom. Pharmacy course is especially popular in Egypt,and India. In the survey of employment status, working in full time is 35.3% and full time students is 18.1%. Those who look for jobs is 12.1%. Among age group, age range from 18-25 is 19.5 %; from 25-36 is 33.5%; from 36-45 is 19.5%.
TMU also provides 6 courses in artificial intelligence in medical applications series. More than 24652 learners enrolled in this series. Among them, there are around 9000 active learner engage in the course. Learner response 74.4% positive feedbacks. In the survey of region, around 23% learner is from United Kingdom. Pharmacy course is especially popular in India, around 12.6%. In the survey of employment status, working in full time is 33.8% and retired 17.1%. Full-Time student is 14%. Among age group, age range from 18-25 is 22.8%; from 25-45 is 39.6%; from 45-65+ is 39.3%.
For the nutrition course series, TMU provides 3 courses, and more than 20200 learners has participated. Among them, there are around 9968 active learners engage in the course. Learner response 73.6% positive feedbacks. In the survey of region, around 30%. Among age group, age range from 18-25 is 23.8 %; from 25-45 is 32.1%; from 45-65+ is 42.6%. In gender research, female is 73.4%, and male is 26.3%.
From the data, we can see that pharmacy course is more cater to full time students and younger generation. Also, course can be popular in different countries. For artificial intelligence in medical applications series and nutrition series, TMU provides diverse healthcare courses to meet the needs of students of all ages, including senior care, which is popular among seniors for lifelong learning. More female learner has participated in nutrition courses.
TMU has cooperated with Futurelearn to publish international courses. We emphasize on learner’s interaction with each others and active learning steps. Also, learners can discuss have conversations through the course contents. The platform creates a great learning experience to further help for social learning and lifelong learning. An international platform help to facilitate good interaction between learners and educators.
MOOCs, Healthcare, pharmacy, nutrition, lifelong learning