Author: Esperanza Zenon
Institution: River Parishes Community College
Country: United States
Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Community College
UNESCO Area of Focus: Building capacity
Session Format: Presentation
College is an expensive endeavor for most students, and with the costs of textbooks steadily increasing, many students, especially the economically challenged, find college out of reach. River Parishes Community College faculty Dr. Esperanza Zenon is tackling this issue by utilizing and promoting the use of Open Education Resources (OER). TThis presentation will focus on using Open Education Resources (OER) in technical courses as a way of promoting equity by reducing costs for learning materials. Participants will be given a list of discipline-specific tools and resources that can help them to reduce the costs of instruction while increasing access to affordable learning opportunities.Keywords
Open Education Resources (OER), Technical Education, pedagogy, equity and inclusion