We Love (and we copy) We Like Sharing

Open Education Week is honored to have back for its fifth year in a row that fabulous We Like Sharing photo competition hosted by TU Delft deftly managed by @bdelosarcos and recognized with a 2023 OE Award for Excellence.

While the competition is open to TUDeflt staff and students, I always thought this was a replicable format, and even last year ran a small version of it through OEGlobal.

I had grand plans again, but… alas… yet I believe we can still invoke the photo sharing here as an activity in OEG Connect.

Composite image based on Open? flickr photo by We Like Sharing shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license with banner image of the We Like Sharing account in flickr, and the OEWeek 25 badge created by Mario Badilla at OEGlobal and are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Photos Sought

We will use similar themes for photos as the TU Deflt 2025 competition.

  • Open in the World “What does open mean to you? Capture your feelings, your thoughts, your passion about open in a photo!” Share a photo of something in the world around you that suggests openness, is a metaphor for openness, or demonstrates how Open is visible in the world.

  • Details of your physical Space Let’s photograph where you work/live/stufy from the inside. What happens inside your building? Take a curious eye at your surroundings, show us your favourite space; look up, look down, look closer, what can you see that others can’t? If you had to show your research or interests in a photo, what would that be?

Reply below with your image, and details you wish to share about it, the geographic location, and the Creative Commons License image you will share it under.


Well the sharing is enough right? I’d love to develop a community collection like TU Delft has built over the years-- we will upload all attributed images to an OEGlobal flickr album.

And we will let the community here vote to decide on the winners. Finalists will be selected from replies here with the most likes and we will create a poll to vote on the final winners.

And yes, we might have prizes available for you. This is still under wraps, but maybe if we start seeing photos, added here, the details may emerge.

Do you like photos? Do you like sharing? Let’s start it happening here!

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So delighted to get involved!