WELCOME first-time conference attendees!

hi Christina,
I teach (as a sessional) in the Ed Studies dept, part of the diploma program in adult education. But the JIBC is my home base. Pretty sure you gave a talk there last year, right?

Welcome, Tony!! Glad to have a fellow community college colleague attend!

Hi @romasjoseph thanks! I missed out on this message earlier. So sorry for that! Surely we should collaborate. Lucknow, a lovely city! Looking forward to. In fact, just realised that we are a part of another WhatsApp group as well. Will connect!

Hi Tanya, I hope to see you as well.

Hi Ajita,
Great to get connected to you. We would stay connected.

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So glad to be here!
I’m a researcher and professor from Costa Rica, passionate about tech ed and eager to learn as much as possible in this few days, and absolutely interested in networking.
This is such an interesting community, can’t wait to attend all the sessions <3


Welcome Cindy.
Costa Rica is such a beautiful country.
Hope you enjoy the conference.

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Hello everyone. I’m a ‘first-timer’ here, but I’m looking forward to dipping in to a few presentations, making new connections, and presenting my doctoral work on open badges at a session on Wednesday.


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Welcome to OEG20! Hope you enjoy your week.

Sorry if the answer to this is somewhere and I just haven’t seen it. I am having a hard time making a schedule for myself since there are so many time zones for different sessions. When and where will recordings of each session be posted?


Thank you, Susan! I have never had the funding to attend OEGlobal before (travel funds are difficult to come by), so I am especially excited to attend this year and to see these presentations from around the world, including OE practitioners like myself who also might not have been able to attend in years past!
While I love the feel of an “in-person” conference, I think this virtual style might be the start of something great for open movements like ourselves, when it comes to actually including a worldwide audience in this.


@cynsational1 - the recordings will typically be loaded within 24-48 hours. Yes, it’s a bit overwhelming with so many sessions to select from! They have been great so far - very informative. Enjoy!

Hello! I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to finally attend OEG. I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I work at the University of Alberta as the lead on Open Education in the Centre for Teaching and Learning. I have been honoured to work in opened for 6 years. :partying_face:

I see many familiar names and look forward to learning & meeting more. Thank you all for the incredible work you do. “See you” in the sessions!

Thanks Susan. Great idea, adding in the Convo and Collab.

Yes, I did give a talk at JIBC last year, along with several others, on OER. It was wonderful to work with Florence on that!

Fantastic! I love learning about centres like this at the higher ed level. It shows that collaboration can really happen!

My team at New America was the TLT: https://www.newamerica.org/education-policy/teaching-learning-tech/

Hi!!. Sounds great!. I knew open education the last year at TecnolĂłgico of Monterrey, MĂ©xico , now I belong to the UNESCO Chair 2019, and was a wonderful experience. I knew practices and people hardworking in this movement. I hope to learn a lot from you and IÂŽm pleased to meet you and others.

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Es un gusto saludarles y estar con ustedes. Les saluda Antonio Canchola del Repositorio Latinoamericano de Convocatorias Educativas #RELACE pueden visitar nuestro sitio www.relace.org

Thank you so much for this opportunity to celebrate and to learn about OER


Qué gusto encontrarte por aquí. Un abrazo.


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