As an organization dedicated to promoting, supporting, and advancing open education around the world, Open Education Global (OE Global) offers this place for connection between everyone around the world with these same interests.
You will find in this community an open place to exchange ideas, resources, projects related to open education, as well as some specific programmed activities to show directly the value of open education.
This site is running in discourse, the open source software for supporting “civilized discussions.” Most of our site is open to the public to read, but participation on discussions requires an account (see the Sign Up button in the upper right corner).
Are you new to Discourse? If you like a written guide, see Discourse New Users Tips and Tricks. For something more interactive, try our helper account @connectbot – If you just click that users name, it’s profile will appear. Click Message and just anything, like “help”. Connectbot will respond to you with tips as a private message.
Maybe you are just the type of person that prefers to look around and explore. Great! Our initial design includes several broad categories of discussion, and within them, many topics to participate in:
OEG Plaza is our public square. It’s a good place to meet others. Start by responding to the topic asking for introductions and introduce yourself. And maybe reply to someone else there. We have a place in the plaza for open educators to converse in Spanish. Suggest a project or news item worth sharing as a Spotlight. Feel free anytime to post any kind of general question as a topic in the Plaza.
OEG Big Picture invite you to join or start conversations about large issues in Open Education. Policy. Trending Challenges. Research. Intellectual Property. Offer thoughts on the UNESCO OER Recommendation or share your experiences on what makes effective online conference experiences.
OEG Practical come discuss tools, technologies. methodologies, hands on “stuff.” For example, share a favorite lesser known open content website. Look for a special subcategory we call Asks and Offers. Think of this like a market. Are you looking for something specific? Then ask for it. Do you know how to respond, have suggestions? Then offer them.
OEG In Action is a bit different. In the other areas you are free to start new topic threads, but here OEG will have an ongoing series of scheduled topics, activities, changing maybe every few weeks (depending how active we get). Take on the OEG Visual Metaphor Challenge. We will bring in special guests for Q&A. Look soon for feature visits with past winners of an Open Education Award. Expect something new happening here on a regular basis.
This is our starting structure, but it is not fixed. Do you have a suggestion of other ways you would like to interact here? Have a topic of interest? Do you want to lead a discussion? Just reply and tell us- this is your community to help shape.
If you have any questions ask them directly to any OE Global Staff member.