What OEGlobal 2022 was like

In a nutshell, OEGlobal was an amazing experience, but don’t just take our word for it.

Here are a few words from people who were at the conference:

The OEGlobal22 experiences of Paola Corti and Mira Buist-Zhuk

OEGlobal22 experience from Salha Mohammed Abdallah Abdo at Open University of Sudan:

Dimitrios Bissias of Eftopia shares his insights as a newbie to OEGlobal

Lori-Beth Larsen from Central Lakes College shares her experiences at OEGlobal 2022

Katja Fiechter from Swiss Universities shares her experiences as a newbie

Karen Cangialosi from the Regional Leaders of Open Education talks about OEGlobal 22

You can also find a host of images on our Flickr albums:
Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 16.52.01



This is wonderful! Although obviously all in English, the videos communicate the diverse, beautiful accents and dialects that must have been gracing the conference spaces. Wish I could have been there…


Thanks, this is fantastic! It so gives a human and personal insight into the conference, and like Judith says, it makes it more tangible for those who saw it through screens.

And fabulous flickr photos!