Where do you find Open Educational Resources and Courses

So, you’ve heard all about Open Education and :oer:, and the possibility of taking free, openly licenced courses. You’ve read the Wikipedia article … but where do you begin and how do you find them? And are there any open courses available in the topics you need, at the level you need?

Where do you begin?

If you want to start the right way, watch this handy guide from CCCOER’s excellent OER Tutorials

Other OER libraries and open repositories

Here are a few places to get started with finding the right Open Education course for you:

For K-12

:interrobang: What Open Education Course have you used?

  • What is your go to Open Course?
  • Why is having Open Courses important?
  • How have Open Courses changed things for you, your students or colleagues?
  • What role do you see it playing in the future?

Click on the Screenshot 2022-08-16 at 12.10.33 to share your thoughts, ideas, resources, and best sites.
If you know of any that are not on the list above, feel free to add them!

New to Open Education? :wave:

Curious to explore? Start here!

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