A-Z All Nantes Presentations

Here is a list of all In Nantes Conference presentations in alphabetical order… :tv: indicates recorded archive is available

Title Presenters Language
A creative approach to project design for Open Education Practitioners Javiera Atenas, Chrissi Nerantzi English
A Framework for Understanding Innovation with OER Robert Farrow English
A little less conversation, a little more action, please! Turning SPARC Europe’s report‚ Open Education in European Libraries of Higher Education, recommendations into reality (Learning Lab) Gema Santos-Hermosa English
A smart way of visualizing your learning paths with existing OER :tv: Sjors Keijzer, Cees van Gent English
Academic Libraries and OER : (Lightning Talk) tv: Kathy Essmiller English
Advancing Social Justice through Open Educational Practices (Learning Lab) Rajiv Jhangiani English
An institutional OER policy as a basis for systemic change in the adoption of open education :tv: Michiel de Jong, Nicole Will English
Beyond the exam: alternative assessment toolkit :tv: Joanne Kehoe English
Blockchain technologies achievements in pan-European education :tv: Perrine de Coetlogon, Pierre Valiorgue French
Bringing home the message: Europe OE Champions discuss the UNESCO OER Recommendation (Learning Lab) Paola Corti, Vanessa Proudman English
Buen Conocer: Socially Oriented Policies at the Ministry of Knowledge of Ecuador (Keynote) :tv: Andres Arauz English
Building capacities in open knowledge for the Library Information Science (LIS) sector Gema Santos-Hermosa English
Collaboration is key! Advancing OER in the Netherlands :tv: Lieke Rensink, Kirsten Veelo English
Comment améliorer la constitution de groupes d’entraide et leur fonctionnement avec des REL : focus sur le dispositif DocToDoc du MOOC Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière PhDOOC French
Community-based Capacity Building‚ Learning from 10 years of OERcamps :tv: Kristin Hirschmann, Jöran Muuß-Merholz English
CONNECT with 2030 Agenda: We Can’t Leave Girls Behind (Learning Lab) Alexandra Okada English
Conocimiento abierto para combatir la desinformación. Una metodología para producir Objetivos Educativos Abiertos (OER) (Lightning Talk) :tv: Manuel Gertrudix Barrio, Maria del Carmen Galvez de la Cuesta Spanish
Creating H5P Interactive Content with Open License (Learning Lab) Sushumna Rao English
Dancing with the Machines: the Assessment of Embodied Knowledge in Fab Labs (Learning Lab) Max Mahmoud Wardeh, Sarah Hutton English
De l’expression des sentiments dans la sphère publique twitter aux regards croisés d’une communauté d’intérêt sur la place des REL dans l’enseignement supérieur francophone (Learning Lab) Marianne Dube, Dominique Scheffel-Dunand French
Defining and Developing‚ Enabling Open Education Policies in Higher Education :tv: Igor Lesko, Javiera Atenas, Catherine Cronin, Cristina Stefanelli, Virginia Rodés English
Développement dOE’R au travers d’un Open Learning Lab :tv: Christine Jacqmot French
Engaging Youth in OER Animation Co-creation to Accelerate Vaccine Confidence :tv: Constance Blomgren English
Enhancing Secondary Teacher STEM Engagement and Increasing Access to Underserved Communities through International Collaboration, with IEEE REACH (Learning Lab) Kelly McKenna English
Etre acteur de l’Open Education : atelier (Learning Lab) Christine Jacqmot French
Exploring Possibilities for Global Open Education Networking (Learning Lab) Karen Cangialosi English
Exploring the Tools of Open Education to Make Classrooms Antiracist and Inclusive (Learning Lab) Una Daly, Liz Yata, Lori-Beth Larson English
FAIRO (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable and open) - Various perspectives and requirements on OER Claudia Hackl English
Favoriser une culture REL francophone pancanadienne (Lightning Talk) :tv: Catherine Lachaîne French
Frontiers for Young Minds’ groundbreaking open education - Global science for kids, edited by kids (Sponsor Presentation) :tv: Laura Henderson English
Gratitude: Thanking faculty for their role in OER (Lightning Talk) :tv: Lisa Young English
How about reconciling Babel? Inclusive approaches to advocacy tools. OE Benefits: an ENOEL Toolkit goes multilingual :tv: Paola Corti, Monique Schoutsen English
How to get published in OER Research :tv: Rory McGreal English
How to implement OER collaboration in practice: challenges, hurdles and successes before, during and after implementation :tv: Elisabeth Schmoutziguer English
Institutional pedagogical integration of information and communication technologies at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis :tv: Charfi Arabic
Inter-professional synergistic contribution to the development of policies and strategies for the inclusion of OER in the pedagogical and documentary schemes of French public higher education :tv: Cecile Swiatek Cassafieres, Carole Schorle-Stefan English
Introducing KPU’s Professional Program in Open Education (Sponsor Presentation) :tv: Rajiv Jhangiani English
L’enseignement supérieur de gestion au défi de la pandémie :tv: Christophe Fournier French
L’innovation technologique au service de l’innovation pédagogique dans l’enseignement supérieur: de la recherche à la généralisation de l’usage Vincent Beillevaire French
L’Université Numérique (Sponsor Presentation) :tv: Jacques Dang French
Laboratorio de aprendizaje: Ideación de proyectos colaborativos empleando los REA y los ODS (Learning Lab) Laboratorio Educativo Abierto Spanish
Laboratorio Educativo Abierto - LEA: Aprender haciendo Laboratorio Educativo Abierto Spanish
Les ressources éducatives libres (REL) en enseignement supérieur : une mise en application concrète et collaborative du développement durable Marianne Dube, Dominique Scheffel-Dunand French
Mapping a Course for Open Pedagogy Success :tv: Christina Riehman-Murphy, Bryan McGeary English
MoodleNet: An Update - Our platform for sharing Open Educational Resources in line with UNESCO’s SDG4 :tv: Paul Hodgson English
OER and Publishing houses complement each other! A German view :tv: Judith Bartels English
OER Search Index for international repositories :tv: Axel Klinger English
OER takes off! Pascal Koole, Menno de Waal English
Online course as a community-building and engagement tool (Lightning Talk) :tv: Aleksandra Czetwertyska English
Open education in open science framework - creating Policy for Open Education to Finnish research community Ilmari Jauhiainen English
Open Education Influencers and Capacity Building with OER :tv: Gino Fransman English
Open Education: Grant Programs and Sustainability at BCIT Rosario Passos English
Open textbook authorship, quality assurance and publishing: Social justice models of participatory design, engagement, co-creation and partnership :tv: Glenda Jayne Cox English
Open up the Metavers! :tv: Perrine de Coetlogon, Nicolas Dupain French
Optimiser l"impact du soutien à la création et à l’utilisation de REL en enseignement supérieur :tv: Claude Potvin, Marianne Dube French
OTOPO : une nouvelle activité d’autoévaluation pour Moodle (Lightning Talk) :tv: Eric Tanguy, Christophe Boiteux French
Partnering Higher Education and K-12 Institutions in OER: A Sustainable Model for Engaging K-12 Teachers in OER-Enabled Pedagogy :tv: Kelly Arispe English
PHAROS, Red de Difusión del Conocimiento Luis Clemente Jimenez Botello Spanish
Plataformas abiertas para movilizar prácticas STEAM en el marco de la complejidad (Learning Lab) Maria Soledad Ramirez Montoya, Anna Vater Spanish
Pour un renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la politique de transformation numérique de l’enseignement supérieur en Afrique francophone :tv: Jacques Dang, Anais Malbrand French
Pour une ouverture des ressources à travers le prisme de l’accessibilité (Lightning Talk) :tv: Gelly-Guichoux Sandrine, Damien Aubert French
Pratiques de l’éducation ouverte au postsecondaire en milieu minoritaire francophone au Canada : l’éducation ouverte est-elle réellement équitable? :tv: Catherine Lachaîne French
Proyecto SALUS: Nodo COVID-19 Luis Clemente Jimenez Botello Spanish
Réunions des participants au groupe de travail francophone sur les REL animé par ICDE, le MESRI et L’Université Numérique (France) (Learning Lab) Jacques Dang English
S’initier au processus de création de REL de la fabrique REL : une approche structurante qui stimule la créativité pédagogique Claude Potvin, Marianne Dube French
Some thoughts about sustainable OER. It’s all about ownership! :tv: Robert Schuwer, Ben Janssen, Jan-Bart de Vreede English
Space2Inspire: Fostering an Open, Creative, and JEDI space! (Keynote) :tv: Dr Sian Proctor English
Strengthening the OER movement for STEM education in Latin America : Using the example of Siemens Stiftung’s new Centro de Recursos Educativos Abiertos (CREA) (Lightning Talk) :tv: Anna Vater English
Supporting Latin American researchers in Open Education through the Collega mentoring program :tv: Carina Bossu English
The cartography of an OER. Towards a more permeable and organic OER ecosystem :tv: Caroline Kuhn, Michelle Harrison English
The Future Learning track 2021 of the Falling Walls Foundation (Germany) as crowd-source of what the future might hold for learning :tv: Ben Janssen English
The future OER Ecosystem - On building a community for OER in Europe (Learning Lab) Juliane Granly English
The Global OER Graduate Network: Open Research, Open Community, Open Values Robert Farrow English
The influence of International Organisations on Governmental Open Educational Resources Policies Igor Lesko English
The Liberated Learner :tv: Joanne Kehoe, Terry Greene English
The Open Digital Classroom: Prioritizing Open Educational Practice Post-Pandemic (Learning Lab) Bonnie Stewart English
The road to the open university - A teacher education project as a driver of innovation? :tv: Benjamin Heurich, Bence Lukics English
The Role of Brokers in Cultivating an Inter-Institutional Community around Open Educational Resources in Higher Education Robert Schuwer, Marjon Baas English
The Role of Students in Open Education Case study Open University of Sudan :tv: Salha Mohammed Abdallah Abdo Arabic
The Truth is Out There: Dutch Nursing realized sustainable adoption of OER :tv: Robert Schuwer, Marja Versantvoort English
Une feuille de route collaborative, transcontinentale, pour étendre l’éducation ouverte et libre par un dialogue pluriel (Learning Lab) Alexandre Enkerli, Fabio Balli, Barbara Class, Sandrine Favre French
Valoriser les productions étudiantes : apprendre à produire et diffuser des REL, un levier pour favoriser la motivation et la persévérance :tv: Claude Potvin, Marianne Dube French
Vers des scénarios ouverts pour une pédagogie numérique égalitaire :tv: Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi, Ghada El Khayat, Mokhtar Ben Henda French
Welcoming Contribution: Opportunities for involvement in OER development as reflection of Knowledge Commons community values (Learning Lab) Max Mahmoud Wardeh, Sarah Hutton French
Wheel of insight - Connecting learning materials to support learning objectives :tv: Leontien van Rossum English
Why and how are we opening up Nantes Université / Purquoi er comment faire de Nantes Université une université ouverte? (Keynote) :tv: Carine Bernault English
WikiChallenge Ecoles d’Afrique :tv: Florence Devouard French
Workshop WikiFundi, the offline open source editing platform :tv: Florence Devouard English
نحو سيناريوهات مفتوحة للتربية الرقمية القائمة على المساواة :tv: Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi, Ghada El Khayat, Mokhtar Ben Henda Arabic

What an amazing line-up! I look forward to watching many of these which I could not attend. Thanks OEG team!

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