Sarah Lambert (Deakin University)
Dr Lambert is an Honorary Fellow at Deakin University researching topics related to social justice, digital participation and success of under-represented learners. She is the chief Investigator of the Australian National scoping study of OER textbooks funded by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE.)
This webinar will share the findings of the Australian National OER texts scoping study which found that social justice principles relating to the cost and socio-cultural relevance of University readings matter to Australian students and staff.
The study found that OER texts can be a transformative strategy to address digital access, learning material costs and inclusive experiences for Higher Education students. Australian staff are beginning to use OER and open-access reading lists to address the injustices of uneven resourcing and negative racial, gender and disability stereotyping in the curriculum.
While such inclusive texts are important for under-represented students to create belonging to the profession and the course, this study finds that incorporating diverse cultural viewpoints and knowledges into the curriculum benefits all students by ensuring their knowledge base is up to date and they are prepared for contemporary workplaces and roles.
Students who have experienced diversified reading lists with multiple knowledge perspectives believe that they are better prepared for their intended future professions. Similarly, staff consider more representative curriculum can enhance graduate outcomes for all students.
In this webinar Dr Lambert will focus on the student interviewee data which highlighted a need for Australian academics to modify or create new more socio-culturally inclusive texts as well as texts which better represent women in the professions. The students interviewed affirmed the idea that many or most of their textbooks lacked diversity of authors, views and perspectives.
Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_133.pdf 📄
Presentation Details
UNESCO OER Action Area: Inclusive and equitable OER
Format: Pre-recorded Presentation
Language: English
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