Contributing to Our Roadmap

We need your effortless participation in identifying key points in our roadmap, coming from a Delphi study. It’d be great if you could vote for those.

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Thanks Alex, nice use of Padlet for voting in the issues. Can you say more about what this roadmap is for?

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Yes, and…
There are some details here:

Also, @BarbaraClass is the one with the most detailed explanation.

Basically, the goal is to create a draft roadmap on Open Education generally (not just OERs) for decision-makers in Swiss HigherEd.
The diverse elements came from answers to a Delphi Study, which we’ve summarized.

Obviously, because it’s fully in the spirit of openness, the notion is that this roadmap draws inspiration from existing ones (say, Global Open Science Hardware Roadmap - Gathering for Open Science Hardware) and could serve as inspiration for future ones.

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Ah, this is worth getting some word out on! What kind of timeline are you on for collecting responses?

Also, I am going to nudge this topic over to the Unconference area so we have a collection of things for people to do following the conference.


Hi! Thanks for initiating this discussion.
To add on what Alex has already explained, within the 2nd round of this Open Delphi study, the aim is to prioritise elements.
For example, during our workshop yesterday, two tendencies clearly emerged on the policy issue: national and institutional policies are necessary to enable OE and OE happens without policy - that’s why we are all here and have been for some decades! This is is food for thought for the roadmap and we need to find ways how to operationalise it, i.e. what Andres Arauz has done within his ministry of Knowledge and Human Talent.
With regard to your organisational questions: all stakeholders, who have been involved in Openness for some years, are invited to vote (3 votes on each padlet), no matter the background, i.e. academics, librarians, decision makers, etc. until June 5th, 2022.
If you want to know more about the project, you can find information at: SNSF Data Portal and outputs are currently available from
Looking forward to your participation and to continue the discussion here :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the nudge. I hesitated where to post this. It now makes the most sense in the unconference/and… ongoing exchanges sparked by our direct contacts.