:sync: For an Open Pedagogical Development : Sharing Initiatives in Higher Education

Authors: Gelly-Guichoux Sandrine, Péculier Audrey, Magdelaine Arnold
Institution: University of Nantes
Country: France

Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Building capacity
Session Format: Lightning Talk


In the panorama of inclusive higher education, the University of Nantes in France, encourages, deploys and promotes actions in favor of educational development (Frenay, et al. 2010) and supports open projects in order to allow access to qualitative higher education, for the greatest number of people. In this context, the Pedagogical Development Center initiates, supports and accompanies different projects and actions, networks and mobilizes different actors at different local, territorial, national and international scales. All these initiatives, projects, programs are in favor of an open pedagogy, an access to knowledge for all, the creation of commons and a cognitive, social and territorial opening.

In a first part, we will present the following programs and projects : OPeN Initiatives, OPeN Badges, ACCESS, EsPrHI, OPENGame, EuniHULI, the interactions between all and the fact that these initiatives contribute in a complementary and coherent way to openness and capacity to create access, use, adapt and redistribute OER.

In a second part, we will focus on one of these projects :
OpeN Initiatives, a website we developed to enable teachers, students and staff from cross-functional departments to share educational initiatives, get in touch with nearby project leaders, lead communities of practice and promote peer-to-peer, inter-service, inter-faculty, inter-professional and intergenerational exchanges . Everyone is invited to transform, develop and adapt initiatives to his teaching-learning environment. Then, distribution allows mutual enrichment and entry into a virtuous co-creative spiral.

The site aims to be connected to other platforms on French and international territory.

The originality lies in the concept of openness to the pedagogy that we defend. Any action, project, event within our university is considered as potentially contribute to the circulation of knowledge and resources.

Through the animation, we invite our collaborators to take part in collective and collaborative construction spaces, create and co-create objects, resources, actions, methods, etc. contributing to openness and social inclusion.


Pedagogical development, Open Initiatives, Sharing Spaces, Communities

Dear all !
We are delighted to start discussions before meeting again next week! In a few days, we will share with you our presentation…
So let’s get starting !
We are going to discuss the sharing of teaching practices, so, in your University, how do teachers share teaching practices that they experience with their students?

Are there dedicated spaces , sessions, events ?

Thanks for contributing to our session! Here, our presentation ! and contact us whenever you want ! We would be happy to answer you. After the event, you can contact us at cdp@univ-nantes.fr

Video of the recording: