:sync: Impact of ZTC on Course Success Rates and Student Demographic Information

Authors: Brittany Dudek, Dr. Tina Parscal, Dr. Amy Kahn
Institution: CCCOnline
Country: United States

Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Community College
UNESCO Area of Focus: Inclusive OER
Session Format: Presentation


CCCOnline, an online community college consortium of the Colorado Community College System, utilizes a centralized course design and master course model to ensure the alignment of course competencies to course content and to provide students in all sections the same learning experience. This model allows CCCOnline to create zero textbook cost (ZTC) courses at scale, offering more than 80 ZTC courses and three Z Degrees. CCCOnline provides the ideal environment for assessment of course-to-course comparisons, specifically a study of ZTC and non-ZTC course comparisons. Courses involved in this study have been taught for a minimum of three semesters as ZTC courses, and at least three previous semesters with traditional publisher materials, will span three academic divisions (Math and Science, Liberal Arts, and Career and Technical Education) and will take in to consideration the type of course session and term.

This session will share the results of research into the impact of ZTC research of student performance metrics, such as complete success rates and drop rates, for ZTC courses, while also exploring the impact on PELL eligibility, First Gen status, Gender, and Race and Ethnicity.


Online education, student success, assessment

Session recording: