:sync: MOOCS for General Law Courses –Experiences of NOU and Potentials for International Collaboration

Author: C Ouyang
Institution: NOU
Country: Taiwan

Topic: Innovation through MOOCs practices
Sector: Lifelong Learning
UNESCO Area of Focus: Building capacity
Session Format: Lightning Talk


As Massive Open Online Courses (“MOOCS”) have been extensively utilized for promoting learning and education, among more than hundreds of courses available in public accessible platforms in Taiwan, very limited courses (less than 20) directly deals with the subject of law.

This paper intends to review and examine the experiences of National Open University (“NOU”) in Taiwan in using MOOCS for general law courses (as opposed to professional legal trainings) through its distance learning platform, as a means of public legal education. The paper will refer to two general law courses, “Society, Technology and Law” and “Criminal Issues and Investigation” as examples by examining and analyzing their course structure, session arrangement, teaching methods, supplementary learning aids, and grading system in the first place, followed by discussions concentrating on major learning issues exposed by students and challenging encountered by course instructors and the university for developing such courses as a standard learning model. Lastly, given that NOU is one of the largest distance leaning credit courses provider in Taiwan with persistent efforts aimed to make available its course portfolios abroad, this paper will, at the end, also explore its potential opportunities for developing into a shared forum on basis of international collaboration where more general law courses in the format of MOOCS can be provided.


General Law Courses, MOOCS, Distance Learning and Adult Education, Strategies for International Collaboration

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