Now available- AI For Teachers: an Open Textbook (in 5 languages)

We are pleased to share via @cdlh the release the open textbook he co-authored: AI for Teachers available in five languages. Note the tag line “Artificial Intelligence for and by Teachers”

AI for Teachers: an Open Textbook

This is both a valuable open resource and example of producing multilingual OERs. Congratulations, Colin!

An Erasmus+ K3 project designed by France, Slovenia, Italy, Ireland and Luxembourg to contribute to training on AI in education for and by teachers and school leaders on a perimeter voluntarily restricted to mathematics, science and modern English language in high school (pupils aged 15-16). A project officially launched on 28 February 2021 for an action to be conducted over 36 months.

From the project page you will find links to online, ePub, Digital PDF, and Print PDF versions, all published in Pressbooks. Explore the online versions:

Colin has shared that he is hoping to write more soon about managing a publishing project in multiple languages – we hope he and his colleagues are planning some kind of activity for this year’s Open Education Week (cough cough that’s a hint, Colin!)

In the meantime, please share and review these important open resources, and use this space to share comments or ask questions.


Thank you my friend for sharing this excellent resource and I wanted to join you in congratulating Colin. It is very timely as I was involved in similar efforts to provide resources to Francophone Africa. I am looking forward to connecting with Colin and contributing to future versioning of the book.

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Great Book! with valuable information. Here I would like to know, when we create content using AI and can we want to release that content to public with an open license? For example recently I am playing around with a tool to generate a video. to generate video, it gives us an option to choose images/videos from different sources but I couldn’t see openly licensed content option. Thought it would be great to have that option and wrote to them. As I would like to release the content created with open license, hope I can do.

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I’m eager to see that video, Sushumna! That’s a new service to me (and honestly no one, no matter how expert they claim to be in AI can know all that is out there).

There are not yet absolute clear rules given how fast things are moving here. The Creative Commons note on Understanding CC Licenses and Generative AI (August 2023) suggests you can:

In the current context of rapidly developing AI technologies and practices, governments scrambling to regulate AI, and courts hearing cases regarding the application of existing law, our intent is to give our community the best guidance available right now. If you create works using generative AI, you can still apply CC licenses to the work you create with the use of those tools and share your work in the ways that you wish. The CC license you choose will apply to the creative work that you contribute to the final product, even if the portion produced by the generative AI system itself may be uncopyrightable. We encourage the use of CC0 for those works that do not involve a significant degree of human creativity, to clarify the intellectual property status of the work and to ensure the public domain grows and thrives.

When you say

does that mean the sources are broad like “YouTube” or to use specific source material?

For me, no matter what I will as much as possible aim to apply the CC Attribution best practices of listing as much as possibly known, TASL (Title, Author, Source, License) so I look for options with an AI tool to publish/share the output.

So if I make an image using DALL-E 2, I also like to include the prompt.

DALL-E 2 image generated by Alan Levine using prompt “An abstract painting of a female lawyer shrugging in a courtroom” dedicated to the public domain using Creative Commons CC0.

People will of course (and I hope) jump in with thoughts why or why not this is “right” but in my opinion, making every effort to attribute with what is available now is defensible.

if you browse the CC web site articles on AI, you can find a variety of stlyes of attribution for AI generated images.

The answer also depends on the context of usage. Most of my media needs are informal, like here or in my blog posts, but if I was working on a publishing project I might lean more towards very clearly licensed content than what AI produces.

I am hoping this is enough bait to lure @poritzj in for an opinion as in facilitating many of the CC Certification folks he must be answering this question frequently


Thank you @cogdog for a detailed reply! My creations are mostly to use in open content / informal. If I generate any I too like to present the prompt. The video generated is on E-waste. To use it in an open course as an intro video. As my mentee in OE4BW project wants to develop a video, I thought of trying this video tool to generate one. It is a very interesting tool, while generating it will ask for the details like:

  • Topic in brief description
  • Target/type of audience
  • Look and feel (Crisp/Profesessional/Minimal Modern)
  • For platform (YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn)

(Basically the prompts.)

Thanks for sharing your AI generated video. It certainly makes for a decent introduction video, published with a description (a bit generalized to me) and the nice breakdown ino chapters once can view.

I’m curious what specific prompt was used to generate? Do you have to iterate a few times or did you get a satisfactory result easily?

I was curious about the watermark, and can see the source clips here are at least from a Royalty Free site

Also, I was experimenting today with this new AI powered search which purports to use AI both to better formulate web search and also to filter search results better than Google’s tendancy to provide advertisement laden results.

To your question, I entered (using the option for results from the last year):

Recommended ways to apply creative commons licenses and properly attribute AI generated content

which I have to say provided useful though a bit tangential results.

The first one looked good

Which if you use the “look for similar” options uses the URL of one source as a search item, and the results look promising (at a quick glance)

Hi Alan
I tend to agree with your attribution format and stating that an image is generated by an AI tool. In MHO, content created by GenAI tools entails some sort of extraordinary level of skills that require time, talent and proficiency, unless we attribute these tools.
Let me put this into a couple of examples.
Producing a video using GenAI tools can take sometimes a few minutes. Where any video producer can suggest that video production can take hours if not days or sometimes months. In my previous institution where I worked as a blended learning designer, I worked with a team of academic language advisors to produce a15-minute video, which took us two months to complete.
So, if I produce a similar video in a very short time using GenAI tools without declaring that I used such tools, then it’s either I have a superpower or I am conveying a misleading message about my capabilities.

Likewise, creating a painting using GenAI tool like the one you put in your post is another example. So unless you attribute the tool you’ve used to generate that image, someone will assume you are a Photoshop genius! Yet the assumption that you took a long time to create such a painting in Adobe Photoshop will also be conveyed unless you attribute GenAI tools.

So, in summary, yes I would say the way you attributed the image there is the right thing to do!

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I got in first attempt a good result, luckily! And as prompts as far as I remember, first I gave a topic E-waste and dangers associated with it , how we can take action, then it analyzed and gave me title, next I for professionals audience, look and feel also professional and platform Youtube.

I did another experiment , And here is the result.

“Cell Structure and Function: A Deep Dive” by Sushumna Rao is generated using the prompt “Create a educational video for secondary school students on Cell structure and Function, reference is Chapter 3: Introduction to Cell Structure and Function – Concepts of Biology 1st Canadian Edition- Gunness” 06 Feb 2024, dedicated to the public domain using Creative Commons CC0.

Very interesting to see, and that is about how I would go about attributing. Some thoughts:

  • Interesting use of a metaphor of a city
  • I only glanced at the book chapter, does it use much/any from that source? for content? The video is a general summary, the book chapter is pretty detailed
  • I wonder how people feel about the “voice”, its rather formal and a tad robotic.
  • Some wondering on the watermarks in the video for Getty iStock media

Thanks for sharing these!

Yes, it actually very robotic, both script and voice, lacks human connect, this is my feeling! But amazed at technology and wondering how well educators can utilise these kind a options to lower their workload, once something is generated, its easy to polish it may be!! Correct me if I am sounding wrong here.

Thank you for sharing video.
May i know which tool used to create video??

Welcome Dr Kishore, happy to see you here!

The tool mentioned in the url.

Tried to translate the book mentioned above to Telugu using generative AI. Not bad, but it needs lots of editing! I am interested to translate (- by me, not bot :slight_smile: ) into my native language Telugu, and would like to collaborate if anyone interested to do in Telugu

I am interested madam.
I will join

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