:sync: Open Education, Race and Diversity: Promise vs Reality

Authors: Hugh McGuire, Shawna Brandle, Elaine Farraly-Plourde, Suzan Koseoglu, Kiristin Lansdown, Susan Manitowabi, Elaine Thornton
Institutions: Pressbooks, CUNY/Kingsborough Community College, Goldsmiths, University of London, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Laurentian University, University of Arkansas
Countries: Canada, United States, United Kingdom

Topic: Global Collaboration, Strategies, & Policies in Open Education
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Inclusive OER
Session Format: Panel


Open Educational Resources (OER) are free and openly licensed educational materials, which can be adapted by faculty. In theory, OER should make education more accessible for traditionally marginalized groups. OER should also result in more materials better adapted for the particular needs of the communities they serve. This is the promise of OER. But is Open Education delivering? If not, why not? And, how can the open education movement get better? In this panel, we will raise some hard questions about OER, and encourage discussion about how we can start rethinking OER.


Diversity, OER, Race, Racism, Culture, Accessibility


Hi this is Hugh, looking forward to this event!

Here is a slide deck:

Video of the session: