Day: Recorded presentation, Sept. 27-Oct1., 2021
Language: English
Session: European libraries : encouraging effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality Open Educational Resources
Presenters: Vincent de Lavenne
Number of participants: views 104, users 2, likes 2, links 5, Replies 4
Countries of the participants: No information available
The presentation was prepared by following:
Vincent de Lavenne, Laure Delrue-Vandenbulcke, Christine Ollendorff, Cécile Swiatek. Vincent de Lavenne was the presenter of the work during OEG Conference.
The presenter aimed to explore cross-country open education development through demonstrating the existing and possible collaboration of the libraries across Europe. Authors are part of The French Association of Directors and Management Staff of University Libraries and Documentation (ADBU), through this working group on Open Education in University Libraries, proposes an associative action which participates in “building knowledge societies, more inclusive, resilient and sustainable ”
This international discussion targeted educators, policymakers and fellow librarians towards accurate knowledge dissemination of the progression of OER and open educational practices in various European countries.
Scope of the libraries was described by the authors that ranges from capacity building to national projects. As per the presenter, librarians are raising awareness and encouraging the adoption of open educational resources in their institutions. Vincent described that the role of libraries is to provide platform for information literacy, transferrable skills and knowledge platforms & indexing. The role of working groups at all the three levels was focused for scalability of open education beyond the institutional level. The role of libraries was discussed at Institutional level, Country level and International level .
NIU Galway (Ireland) and their Open press by Ian Capper was demonstrated in detail
Role of diverse community engagement and experimentation as strategies for scalability at global level was suggested.
Important component towards quality and Open education infrastructure
- Academicians and researchers at university must play role in popularising the open content amongst students at universities.
- Innovation and accessibility are two important components to create strong national and international infrastructure.
Accessibility means ease and openness to use the material by people with disability and people at margins of society
The positive points of the author were to present the strategies towards sustainability and quality through:
- Regular Funding
- Community inputs & monitoring
- Stronger infrastructure policy
In the comments section participant Una Daly, OEG Staff, Director, Community College Consortium for OER presented the short review of EU working groups
Author also shared useful links of the websites for Educazione Aperta Italia, Open Education Austria, B-OOO.
UNESCO recommendation on OER were emphasised as acting on five important areas namely, capacity building, supportive policy, encouraging equitable and inclusive quality OER, Sustainable model and international cooperation.
The author concluded the session by expressing the importance of cooperation at inter and intra country levels as academic libraries are positioned in favour of ethical and organised opening of quality knowledge, for the benefit of all which participate in dissemination of science, culture and humanities.