Authors: Una Daly, Amy Hofer, Denise Cote, James Glapa-Grossklag, Quill West
Institutions: Open Education Global, Open Oregon Educational Resources, College of DuPage, College of the Canyons, Pierce College
Country: United States
Topic: Global Collaboration, Strategies, & Policies in Open Education
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Sustainable OER
Session Format: Panel
The Regional Leadership for Open Education (RLOE) initiative was launched in 2019 to meet the growing interest from CCCOER members to work together and share solutions to common challenges faced by diverse, multi-institution college systems. In particular, over the past decade, open education has developed from a movement into an emerging profession that may benefit from reflection to ensure that moving forward we are open, ethical, and inclusive. Many open education leaders face similar issues of advocacy and implementation beyond their home institution and desire the opportunity to craft common solutions and eliminate duplication of efforts. Leaders from colleges, universities, library consortia, and government agencies from across the U.S. were invited to participate in four workgroups to discuss and build solutions. The workgroups were organized around open education policy & strategy, professionalism of the open educator, stewardship of open content and data, and sustainability of open education.Policy & Strategy: focusing on collaboration with the OER World Map Policy Hub to develop a collection of State policy documents, guidelines, case studies, and best practices to inform other regional leaders.
Stewardship: focusing on emerging frameworks for stewardship of open education resources and student privacy and data to provide a template for ethical and transparent professional practices.
Professionalism: focusing on building a matrix of emerging “open education” roles and their associated competencies to better identify needed professional development for continued growth of our profession.
Sustainability: focusing on examples of higher education infrastructure documents/templates integrating open education and aligned with existing sustainability frameworks to maximize reusability.
Each workgroup has developed a focus project in 2020. The overall goal is to contribute materials and tools to support regional leaders of open education. During this panel session we will share progress on the four projects and invite audience members to provide feedback and propose future directions. We believe this initiative can provide a model for Open Education advocates in other contexts to move from loose collections of projects to an evolving professional field.
Policy, Sustainability, Stewardship, Professionalism, Collaboration, Sharing