:sync: The Blueprint Community

Author: Dave Dillon
Institution: Grossmont College
Country: United States

Topic: Applications of Open Education Practices/Open Pedagogy/Open Education Research
Sector: Higher Education
UNESCO Area of Focus: Facilitating int cooperation
Session Format: Presentation


According to Apurva Ashok of Rebus Community, "No one could have imagined the phenomenal impact the OER textbook Blueprint for Success in College and Career has had on the Open Education community. It has grown from an idea in Dave’s mind that took root in 2007 to a widely adopted, adapted, award-winning resource." Following a textbook excellence award from the Textbook and Academic Author Association and an open textbook award from OE Global, the Blueprint OER continues to pursue innovation with collaboration. The community approach, including finding volunteers who want to learn more about open and contribute to improving the continued work in progress. As the text itself and its ancillaries continue to use a community focused approach, projects develop with teams, from keeping content updated, to an audio version, to a glossary, a quiz bank, and much more. The story of how the Blueprint text came about and grew wings continues to inspire the next generation of OER creators, curators, and innovators. With logistics and costs simplified (much like OER itself) due to covid-19, the the presentation will take advantage of a unique situation where all of the contributors and collaborators will be invited to participate in a video shown to the audience. This session provides a behind the scenes look from those leaders, communities, and teams, whose contributions have made the Blueprint texts what they are today. Updates on all of the Blueprint projects will be presented after the video before transitioning to questions and answers. The conclusion of the presentation will include a global call of interest for the next generation of global collaborators and innovators.


Community, Collaboration, Team, Giving back, Behind the scenes, Award-winning, Greater than the sum of its parts, Inspiration, Imagination

Welcome! The Blueprint for Success in College and Career OER textbook is here: https://press.rebus.community/blueprint2/

Questions and discussion are encouraged. Thank you for your interest.


Slides are not the most visually appealing, but they do recognize many of the wonderful contributors who have volunteered their time and expertise to support the creation and ongoing quality of the Blueprint OER colleges success texts along with a link to a video featuring the voices of Apurva Ashok (from the Rebus Community) who won a well deserved support award from OE Global this year, and Tom Priester from SUNY Genesee, and a few additional resources:

Additional Resources and Media information regarding the Blueprint OER project(s):