This might end up being more a stream of finding-ness act, that maybe an algorithm can do better than me? My favorite discoveries come from places maybe I was not looking at them.
Like email.
I subscribe to Seb Chan’s Fresh and New newsletter - Seb is a powerful innovator in the museum / museum tech space, and I was fortunate to spend a little bit of time with he and his ACMI team n 2018.
Anyhow, his current Fresh and New Generative things and choosing the right words included some examples and probing thoughts on the AI image generating fad. And I really like his description of all these DALL-E sets as “promptism”
My social media feeds overflowed with DALL-E and Midjourney ‘promptism’ visuals. The coining of ‘promptism’ by others nicely deflects attention from the underlying technologies to the craft of finding the right language (the prompt) to ‘talk to the machine’. Its a bit like those people who seem to have a magical ability to craft ‘the perfect Google search query’ but aren’t trained librarians and have really just have done a bit of SEO work in their past.
More than that, and why I respect Seb, is not just talking about AI but experimenting, and developed an image generator based on metadata from his museum’s collection.
You can find examples of what their AI generated:
I have to say it is somewhat interesting that it came up with anything close to the prompt, but ???
I also gleaned from here a very good explainer video on how this generating images from text was started (32 pixel green school buses!)
An in the “to dabbe and learn more department” would be sinking my curiosity unto the Jupyter Notebooks on Google Colab (example).