Robert Schuwer (Fontys University of Applied Sciences), Ben Janssen (OpenEd Consult)
To develop and implement effective OER adoption policies, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the education and learning processes within institutions in which OER , and in general digital learning resources, play a role. Within the framework of the Dutch Higher Education innovation program “Acceleration plan for educational innovation with ICT” a process model has been developed that is helpful in gaining that insight.
The process model distinguishes two scenarios:
Scenario 1: the reading list. In this scenario a teacher/lecturer will compile a mix of digital learning resources that best fits the learning outcomes to be achieved and his/her own educational process. S/he defines the optimum mix of educational resources, specifying the titles of the educational resources (usually textbooks) that must be studied, and whether or not they are compulsory (the reading list). Based on the published mix of learning resources (including the reading list), the student will compile his/her own mix of learning resources. While studying or during an educational activity, the student can search for or create additional learning resources and add these to his/her optimal mix of learning resources.
Scenario 2: the instruction. The teacher defines an assignment. If necessary, a list of recommended literature for carrying out the assignment is compiled and, if necessary, the teacher also produces teaching materials. All of this is published and made available to students (the instruction). What was written about quality control on the teacher’s side in scenario 1 also applies in this scenario. Based on the instructions, the student starts compiling his/her optimal mix of learning resources. In this scenario, students can also publish their own (learning) materials (open or semi-open), both in local storage and in the “cloud”.
Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_108.pdf 📄
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