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TUESDAY 28 September 2021
Chat With Platinum Sponsor Frontiers for Young Minds
Ask questions and meet the team from Frontiers for Young Minds
- When: 2021-09-28T07:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T08:00:00Z
Meeting Access :
Join us in Zoom
Webinar 06 (Building Capacity)
- UNESCO OER Action Area: Building Capacity
- When: 2021-09-28T08:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T10:10:00Z
- Duration: 2h 10m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 06
A framework for categorizing digital learning materials
Ben Janssen and Robert Schuwer -
Go open! Supporting higher education staff engagement in open educational practices
Orna Farrell, James Brunton, Ellen Breen, Eamon Costello, Ronan Cox, Lorraine Delaney, Edel Gallagher and Victoria Smyth -
Designing Infrastructures Allowing Higher Education Teachers to Reuse, Adapt and Exchange Open Educational Resources
Nadine Schroeder, Sophia Krah and Johannes Wendt -
Pathways to Learning: International Collaboration Under Covid-19
Robert Farrow, Anne Adams, Magreth Bushesha, Olivier Biard, Simon Cross, Chris Edwards, Matthew Foster, Margaret Ebubedike, Christothea Herodotou, Nashwa Ismail, Felix K Olakulehin, Kate Lister, Khehla Ndlovu, Edephonce Nfuka, Dorothy Ofoha, Rachel Rogers, Kris Stutchbury and Denise Whitelock
A framework for categorizing digital learning materials
Webinar 07 Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy
- UNESCO OER Action Areas: Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy
- When: 2021-09-28T12:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T14:10:00Z
- Duration: 2h 10m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 07
Entering mainstream adoption: how TUDelft and UTwente collaboratively embrace OERs
Pim Bellinga -
A process model of using digital (open) learning materials in teaching and learning activities
Robert Schuwer and Ben Janssen -
Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, use cases and potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
Christian M. Stracke, Aras Bozkurt, Daniel Burgos, Jon Mason, Ebba Ossiannilsson, Ramesh Chander Sharma, Marian Wan, Jane-Frances Obiageli Agbu, Karen Cangialosi, Grainne Conole, Glenda Cox, Fabio Nascimbeni, Chrissi Nerantzi, María Soledad Ramírez Montoya, Cleo Sgouropoulou, Jin Gon Shon, Pierre Boulet, Andreia Inamorato dos Santos, Stephen Downes, Robert Farrow, Vanessa Proudman, Zeynep Varoglu, Martin Weller, Junhong Xiao, Gema Santos-Hermosa, Özlem Karakaya, Vi Truong, Cécile Swiatek -
OER Policy Webinar
Dominic Orr, Tel Amiel, Mojca Drevenšek and Ana Fabjan
Entering mainstream adoption: how TUDelft and UTwente collaboratively embrace OERs
OEGlobal 2021 Talent Show Episode 1
When (converted to your local time):
2021-09-28T14:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T15:00:00Z
Go to The Show
Webinar 08 Desarrollar una política de apoyo
- UNESCO OER Action Area: Developing Supportive Policy
- When: 2021-09-28T14:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T15:50:00Z
- Duration: 1h 50m
- Language: Español
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 08
Políticas para la educación abierta: casos y oportunidades
(Policies for open education: cases and opportunities)
María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya -
Elementos catalizadores de políticas de educación abierta
(Catalyst elements of open education policies)
Javiera Atenas -
Bibliotecas abiertas como aulas y laboratorios para la adopción de políticas para la educación abierta (Open libraries as classrooms and laboratories for the adoption of policies for open education)
Martín Adalberto Tena Espinoza de los Monteros
Políticas para la educación abierta: casos y oportunidades
Webinar 09 الموارد التعليمية المفتوحة الشاملة والعادلة ، بناء القدرات
- UNESCO OER Action Areas: Inclusive and Equitable OER, Building Capacity
When (converted to your local time):
2021-09-28T16:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T18:30:00Z - Duration: 2h 30m
- Language: عربي
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 09
بناء القدرات حول نفاذية تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات والتصميم الشامل بالاستفادة من الموارد التعليمية المفتوحة
(Harnessing OER to build capacity in ICT Accessibility and Inclusive Design)
Dr. Mohamed Koutheair Khribi and Dr. Aisha Al-Sinani -
مبادرة تعليمية مفتوحة من قبل شبكة الابتكار التربوي OERWIKI@MENA
(OERWIKI@MENA: An open education initiative by the LETS Learning Lab pedagogical innovation network)
Dr. Lilia Cheniti and Pr. Ghada El Khayat -
مقاربة تحليلية للموارد التعليمية المفتوحة في تقاطعها مع تراخيص المشاع الإبداعي والاستثناءات على حقوق التأليف والنشر (OER analytical approach under Creative Commons Licenses and Their Relation to Copyright Exceptions)
Pr. Mokhtar Ben Henda -
جهود الألكسو للنهوض بالتعليم المفتوح والموارد التعليمية المفتوحة في الوطن العربي (ALECSO’s efforts to promote open education and open educational resources in the Arab world)
Pr. Mohamed Jemni -
التقنيات التحويلية في جامعة السودان المفتوحة (Transformative Technologies Tools in Open University of Sudan)
Miss Salha Abdo
بناء القدرات حول نفاذية تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات والتصميم الشامل بالاستفادة من الموارد التعليمية المفتوحة
Webinar 10 REL inclusives et équitables, Renforcement des capacités
- UNESCO OER Action Area: Inclusive and Equitable OER, Building Capacity
- When: 2021-09-28T18:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T19:50:00Z
- Duration: 1h 50m
- Language: Français
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 10
Approche structurante : Processus de création de REL en 6 étapes
(Structuring approach: OER creation process in 6 steps)
Marianne Dubé et Marilou Bourque -
Établir un environnement favorable aux REL dans une université canadienne bilingue (Establishing a Supportive Environment to OER in a Bilingual Canadian University)
Mélanie Brunet (Université d’Ottawa), Daniel Godon (Université d’Ottawa) -
Stratégies Open Education et Open Science à l’UCLouvain (Open Education Strategies at UC Louvain)
Yves Deville (Université Catholique de Louvain), Christine Jacqmot (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Approche structurante : Processus de création de REL en 6 étapes
Webinar 11 Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy
UNESCO OER Action Areas: Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy
- When: 2021-09-28T20:00:00Z → 2021-09-28T22:30:00Z
- Duration: 2h 30m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 11
Blockchain & OER
Rory McGreal -
Surveillance capitalism and open education: Large scale data from Latin America
Tel Amiel, Leonardo Ribeiro da Cruz, Dariana Salas, María Viola Deambrosis, Yuliana Puerta, Sebastian Zapatero and Nathália Larrea Montaño -
Look Around You - A Model for Developing Open Education Policy at the Regional Level
Tj Bliss and Jonathan Lashley -
Open Collaboration toward OER Professional Development Competencies
Matthew Bloom, Deborah Baker and Lisa Young -
Providing Equity through Universal Access
Phillip Anaya
Blockchain & OER
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