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FRIDAY 01 October 2021
Webinar 20 可持續的開放式教育資源, 包容和公平的開放式教育資源 (Sustainable OER, Inclusive and Equitable OER)
- UNESCO OER Action Areas: Sustainable OER, Inclusive and Equitable OER
When (converted to your local time):
2021-10-01T06:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T08:10:00Z - Duration: 2h 10m
- Language: 中文
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 20
(Developing artificial intelligence tutor based on machine learning)
Jian-Wei Tzeng, Nen-Fu Huang and Chia-An Lee -
(Analysis of the flipped classroom. Taking Taipei Medical University as an example)
Ya-Chuan Huang and Hsu-Tien Wan -
台灣高等教育老師與學生使用開放式教科書的經驗 (The experience of teachers and students of higher education in Taiwan using open textbooks)
Ta-Wei Li, Yu-Lun Huang, Chun-Hsuan Hsieh, Han-Ju Ho -
發展跨校磨課師擴大開放教育影響力-臺北聯合大學系統經驗 (Develop inter-school grading teachers to expand the influence of open education. Taipei Union University system experience)
Hung-Yi Chen, Chi-Cheng Sun, Naomi Lin, Yun-Ting Chang
Webinar 21 Facilitating International Cooperation
- UNESCO OER Action Area: Facilitating International Cooperation
When (converted to your local time):
2021-10-01T08:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T10:30:00Z - Duration: 2h 30m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 21
Building Open Education Global Francophone
Perrine de Coëtlogon and Romuald Ramon -
Solving challenges of sustainability of community engagement for OER
Juliane Granly and Torunn Gjelsvik -
Developing and implementing an OER to foster critical data literacy in HE educators - An international cooperation programme
Caroline Kuhn, Javiera Atenas, Leo Havemann, Carolina Veiga, Manuel Podetti and Virginia Rodes -
Enhancing Research Communities Through Open Collaboration: The GO-GN Guide to Conceptual Frameworks
Robert Farrow -
Building a European OER Ecosystem - State of Play across Tech, Policy, Quality, Business & Innovation
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers and Juliane Granly
Building Open Education Global Francophone
Webinar 23 Facilitar la cooperación internacional
- UNESCO OER Action Area: Facilitating International Cooperation
- When: 2021-10-01T14:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T15:50:00Z
- Duration: 1h 50m
- Language: Español
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 23
Informe y sitio web sobre el estado de las flexibilidades de derechos de autor en los países de América Latina (Report and website on the status of copyright flexibilities in Latin American countries)
Patricia Diaz y Carolina Botero Cabrera -
Educación Libre y Soberanía Tecnológica: La necesidad de reabrir el debate sobre la dependencia tecnológica y los comunes (Open Education and Technological Sovereignty: The need to reopen the debate on technology dependence and the commons)
Iván Terceros (Openlab Ecuador) -
Itinerarios abiertos de prácticas educativas ambientales: aportes desde Argentina (Open itineraries of environmental educational practices: contributions from Argentina)
Virginia Brussa
Informe y sitio web sobre el estado de las flexibilidades de derechos de autor en los países de América Latina (Report and website on the status of copyright flexibilities in Latin American countries)
Webinar 22 Webinar 22 Online Conference Summary, Bridging Activities, and OEGlobal 2022 In-Person Conference in Nantes France
The OEGlobal 2021 Online Conference concludes Friday 1-Oct-2021. This webinar provides a wrap-up summary of the online conference, kicks off bridging activities, and invites you to the OEGlobal 2022 Conference taking place in-person 23-25-May-2022 in Nantes France.
- UNESCO OER Action Areas: All
- When: 2021-10-01T16:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T17:00:00Z
- Duration: 1h 0m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (open to the public):
Go to Webinar 22
Webinar 24 Building capacity, Developing supportive policy, Facilitating international cooperation
- UNESCO OER Action Areas: Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy, and Facilitating International Cooperation
- When: 2021-10-01T18:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T20:30:00Z
- Duration: 2h 30m
- Language: English
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
Go to Webinar 24
How we helped teachers use the largest OER in the world–Wikipedia
Nichole Saad, Melissa Guadalupe Huertas and Vasanthi Hargyono -
Open Education Co-Design as a Participatory Pedagogy in an Online Graduate Class
Nicole Neutzling, Verena Roberts, Barb Brown, Michele Jacobsen, Christie Hurrell and Mia Travers-Hayward -
Open Futures for Micro-credentialing
Lena Patterson, Tannis Morgan and Deborah Arnold -
Making open visible: A multinational undergraduate student network for mapping OER
Tiago Soares, Tel Amiel, Yuliana Puerta, Jako Olivier, Andrea Beatriz Bartoli, Fatima Bdair, Luca Pelerino, Robson da Cruz de Mesquita and Sebastián Zapateiro Núñez
How we helped teachers use the largest OER in the world–Wikipedia
Coffee Hour With Silver Sponsor Michelson 20MM Foundation
Coffee and conversation with @CailynNagle from the Michelson 20MM Foundation
- When: 2021-10-01T21:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T22:00:00Z
Webinar Access :
Go to Michelson 20MM Foundation Sponsor Area
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