Marianne Dubé (fabriqueREL), Marilou Bourque (fabriqueREL)
Recently, the fabriqueREL set up a 6-step OER creation process to facilitate support in the creation / adaptation of francophone OER in higher education in Quebec. The sequence of these steps guides the creative team in 1) the analysis of the educational need, 2) the search for OER and other existing documentation, 3) the design inspired by the Design Sprint method, 4) the development of the material , 5) validation (testing and validation of licenses) and 6) publishing and sharing. For each step of the creation process, tools are available under CC BY license on the FabriqueREL website.
Interestingly, this journey involves the collaboration of different stakeholders at key times: content expert (teacher), librarian, teaching and learning consultant, media team, student, trial teacher, and documentation technician.
The particularity of the support offered by the fabriqueREL is the pairing formed of a teaching and learning consultant and a librarian. This pairing ensures rigor and quality of work at several levels in the process.
The fabriqueREL is a project jointly piloted by the University of Sherbrooke, the University of Montreal and the University of Laval through teaching units and libraries. Eventually, other higher education institutions will join fabriqueREL.
Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_57.pdf 📄
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UNESCO OER Action Area: Inclusive and equitable OER, Building capacity
Language: FrenchSee the other presentations that take place in this webinar.
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