Building Open Education Global Francophone :sync:

Perrine de Coëtlogon (Université de Lille / board member at Open Education Global), Romuald Ramon (Rigolatis Commons)

Open Education Global Francophone is a new network aiming to fulfill the 5 principles of the UNESCO Recommandation on OER in particular in Promoting and reinforcing international cooperation.

Elected in April 2020 on the board of Open Education Global, Perrine de Coëtlogon, blockchain and open education at the Directorate for Pedagogical Innovation at the university of Lille, discovered that she was the only Francophone member; she asked the board to accept to set up a new branch of Open Education Global for Francophone public.

Due to the lockdown, the conditions of any conference had dramatically changed, which also made a huge opportunity to connect Francophone from all around the world committed or discovering Open Education and Open Educational Ressources.

Therefore, the University of Lille accepted to finance the hiring of a service provider specialised in web marketing, who could search for the Francophone targets, i.e. Higher education teachers and staff on the five continents and organise an event, Romuald Ramon, convinced of the interest of the commons.

With 57 speakers, 21 webinars held on 12-13 November 2020 and 647 unique participants, a monthly webinar since then on each UNESCO recommandation, Perrine and Romuald will be happy to share their achievements for the Open Education and their plan for the 3 next years.

Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_40.pdf 📄

Webinar Information

This presentation is part of Webinar 21 Facilitating international cooperation taking place in your local time .

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UNESCO OER Action Area: Facilitating international cooperation

Language: English

See the other presentations that take place in this webinar.

Presentation Recording


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For anyone that missed the live session, an archive will be posted here as soon as possible.

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