Creating H5P Interactive Content with Open License

H5P is an open source authoring tool that provides an option to crate and publish rich HTML interactive content with CC License. Also there is a way that one can develop content which can address accessibility too! It got more than 40 content types that can be created. Would like to use this opportunity and try doing a hands on session on how to create accessible openly licensed interactive content, with 3 example content types.


:eye_in_speech_bubble: Presented by:: Sushumna Rao
:sun: Conference Track: Learning Lab
:spiral_calendar: Track Date/Time: 2022-05-25T12:00:00Z (your local time)
:speech_balloon: Language: English
:calling: Pretalx link: Creating H5P Interactive Content with Open License :: Open Education Global 2022 :: pretalx


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