Global Study on (impact of) Open Education during COVID-19 pandemic

Dear all,

thank you very much for joining our presentation of the global study on the impact of Open Education during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Our video recording and the presentation slides are published and available now (see our presentation announcement).
And I’m very sorry that finally I could not co-present it as planned due to family issues.

Here the link to the recording: OEGlobal 2021 Webinar 07 Building Capacity, Developing Supportive Policy - YouTube
Here the link to our paper:
The link to our session: Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, use cases and potentials during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond :sync:
And here the link to our presentation: 20210928 Global study on Open Education and Open Science: Practices, …

Our international team of co-authors from all five continents is very pleased about your expressed interest:

We are currently publishing the results from our reports and cases studies from 13 countries in journal articles (with open access of course).

And we are looking forward to our further discussions and collaboration to establish and improve Open Education worldwide!

Warm regards from Germany
