This session will provide prospective authors of scholarly articles with useful information on how to write a paper to increase the chances of acceptance. An adapted version of Reyes guidelines for scholarly articles will be used to provoke questions, comments and suggestions from the audience. Descriptions of journals that are accepting articles specifically on OER research will be provided. The OER Knowledge Cloud will be introduced along with an explanation of how it can best be used for research.
Information will also be provided on the landscape of scholarly journals relevant to open education research, including explanations of impact factors, h-index, ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) and citation rankings. A description of the open access publishing environment will aim to enlighten participants on the main issues regarding what is wrong with academic publishing. The different types of openness (green, gold, etc.) will be discussed.
The session will be open allowing for participation by the audience. Questions from potential authors, their concerns and issues will be welcomed and are expected to be the focus of the workshop.
Presented by:: Rory McGreal
Conference Track: Thematic Session: Publishers and EdTech Providers - Open Education Friend or Foe?
Track Date/Time: 2022-05-24T09:30:00Z (your local time)
Language: English
Pretalx link: How to get published in OER Research :: Open Education Global 2022 :: pretalx
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