Informed Open Pedagogy in the Classroom: Bringing Students into Working Open :sync:

Cynthia Mari Orozco (East Los Angeles College)

Open pedagogy is often touted as empowering; however, in order to reach the empowerment in which open educators strive, students must also receive direct teaching, mentorship, and/or onboarding into the open movement. Open practice is most powerful when students understand the open practice in which they are engaging with and exposed to, which I refer to as informed open pedagogy. In this session, I will cover several strategies for how I incorporate informed open pedagogy in my classroom as an instructor and as a librarian, including teaching about the course required open textbook rather than only using it, teaching students about their author rights in information creation, and facilitating discussions around scholarly communication and open access.

Extended abstract: OE_Global_2021_paper_98.pdf đź“„

Webinar Information

This presentation is part of Webinar 15 Inclusive and equitable OER taking place in your local time → .

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UNESCO OER Action Area: Inclusive and equitable OER

Language: English

See the other presentations that take place in this webinar.

Presentation Recording


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For anyone that missed the live session, an archive will be posted here as soon as possible.

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Here are my slides for “Informed Open Pedagogy in the Classroom: Bringing Students into Working Open.” (The presentation is related to my book chapter “Informed Open Pedagogy and Information Literacy Instruction in Student-Authored Open Projects.”)