When the CCCOER leadership team polled participants for interests, we saw spikes if interest in the H5P technology tools. This of course is not the only kind of tool one might consider for interactivity (and we are open to others, so let us know what you are interested in). We will build a series of activities you can pick up any time during the summer adventure.
Let’s start with getting an idea of your interest. Yes, a poll!
What is your level of experience in H5P?
- None. Is it a sauce? I am curious. But novice.
- I heard of it. People in my networks are talking about it. I want to be in with the cool people
- A little. I have seen examples, demos, maybe a workshop. I still have questions on how ti works
- Cooking already. I am using it now in my materials. But I can always get more practice
- Top Chef. I know it fairly well and would enjoy helping others
0 voters
From the “Kitchen”
I’ve been involved over the last year supporting faculty for a BCcampus project providing grants to augment existing open textbooks with H5P activities aimed at providing practice problems (part of a larger project looking at Open Homework Systems).
So I will draw upon work and resources from the H5P Kitchen:
and also using some materials from a February 2021 workshop for the Arizona OER Conference
Before jumping into tools I prefer to ask people to spend time looking at existing H5P content to appreciate what it can (and can’t do). We then will sort out issues of where/how you can do the building (one of the advantages of H5P is that s works in multiple platforms). And then we will get into the making of stuff.
The Summer Plan
My plan is to roll out some prompts every week or two, suggestions for activities, and go in directions based upon the interests of those who show up. Use the space here to ask questions, share examples, and serve up some fine H5P cooked activities.
I hope we have some people who want to cook this summer with H5P…