(H5P No 1) Before Grabbing the Tools

Who is here for the H5P? As an Open Pedagogy Adventure, this series of activities will be rolled out as we go. If you have not done so already, let us know via the poll your H5P “level” and reply there with what you know or are interested in doing.

You can search of course and find out what the acronym stands for, but that does not explain much. The H5P site itself is perhaps the best source and most training materials quickly launch into the tools. Can you resist the temptation?

The Why

To me the interesting aspects of H5P are:

  • …a means to add a wide range of interactive elements to your content, many of them kinds of interactions not easily done or even possible with other content platforms
  • …a platform independent technology. You can use it in a web site, an LMS, a WordPress site (which also means Pressbooks), and more. The interface is the same everywhere.
  • … H5P content is eminently reusable. Most content can be downloaded, imported, modified to fit your needs
  • … reuse rights are baked in, including media attribution

But that probably does not mean much if you are just starting out.

That’s why in a workshop earlier this year (and where I am borrowing liberally from), You Don’t Start Cooking By Reaching into the Utensil Drawer.

Explore and Share

For this first step of the H5P summer adventure, we are asking first that you look for, and share, some examples of H5P in action you can find elsewhere. I have some options for good places to find H5P content, and I prefer to recommend ones that let you zero in on your subject areas.

If you already have created your own H5P or know other examples, feel free to share links to them so others can see. The starting points below are explained more fully in the H5P Kitchen:

See what you can find that catches your eye in terms of the kind of interactivity, the use of media/feedback, or just what seems interesting. Share something back in a reply.

In the next segment, yes, we crack open the tools.

This is the adventure… you can find other posts in this series via the tag interactivity-opsa


Ok, I am trying to stir the pot here.

The first task is to find a few singular uses of H5P that intrigue you or grab your interest, using the methods above. We are not asking to share an entire OER that as a number of H5P items, (like Maricopa’s MLA in Minutes, it is wonderful, yes, but…) but a single example.

And then share a few comments about why you selected it.

From the eCampusOntario H5P Studio I might just explore all of the Image Hotspot activities, and try out this one for the human digestive system


The little hint boxes are a good way to guide your learners.

And for a second example, the Document Tool is interesting as it is the only H5P content type that allows a learner to save their work as a document. It becomes almost an interactive worksheet.

Here is one that is used for a group to develop a team contract:


What H5P can you find? And share.

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I love H5P. And I started creating templates for Course presentation. And here they are:

Thanks for sharing your templates, Sushumna and we are glad we have some H5P expertise in the space. I hope you can contribute and/or offer any help to other participants as we work through some activities to have participants try their hand at creating H5P.

All the H5P topics will be found at Topics tagged interactivity-opsa

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Sure, happy to help and contribute. :star_struck:

Check out this Interactive book with Image Hotspots.

H5P Image Hotspots helps to create exploratory learning material

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not really

0 voters

I took a quick look through some of the H5P Kitchen Tasting Room samples, and I really like the use of hotspots for brief explainers in the ice cores article – you’ll need to scroll down, I wanted to post the link to it in context.

I’m not a science instructor; I’m a community college librarian who works with some science classes and it’s likely that next fall I’ll become the liaison to science and engineering. So an important role I can play is in helping students to find and recognize appropriate sources for their research, and develop strategies for reading research articles.

I don’t know if it’s possible or workable, but if I could use a hotspot and offer a question with a branch point that might revolutionize my current “How to read a research article when you’re a beginning scientist” materials.

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I liked that example too as something for Hotspot images different from anatomy diagrams.

For the content that does appear on clicking a hotspot, you can include both embedded images, and web hyperlinks. But it is pretty much for a granular activity, something where it is important to know locations, parts, in a larger whole, but is built around a single image as the base.

There are other possibilities like the Branching Scenario tool but also the Course Presentation tool has a means to branch to other internal content.

Or you could create some comprehension/self check activities based on sample content. The Essay tool allows free writing responses, but it really checks a fixed list of expected responses. The Summary tool is also interesting as it creates a series of activities that work through finding the main points of a reading or a concept.

But I am just throwing tools at you! What is your current approach / design for showing how to read research articles?

I am not sure if these help and they are not quite what you are doing, but see the functionality in York University’s piece on Finding the Right Resources


And this use of the “personality quiz” to provide a series of questions for geoscience students to find a best suggestion for a research database


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Thanks, Alan. I enjoyed learning about the Document Tool, and exploring H5Ps from here and there. The one I choose to share is this branching scenario titled Skills Practice: A Home Visit. It’s an award winning serious game - I am very impressed with how it looks.

That is a worthy example; keep in mind the Branching Scenario is on the more complex end of the H5P tool spectrum.

For more, see:

The Skills Practice example looks to be a prototype that was developed at Ryerson University. The published simulation has much of this design, the video segments and branch questions, but from what I can tell is not being published as H5P. See


Still, it is a prime example of what is possible in a learner choice environment.

@cogdog I found some H5P located in a Pressbook and I would like to reuse it. I want to translate it into Spanish for an orientation we are creating. The problem is I am not seeing the three button at the bottom of the media file so I could export it.

I found it in this Pressbook 3.2 Identifying Key Terms – Library Research Skills for First Year Seminar Students
Could you assist?

Unfortunately this was the decision of the authors to not make these options available. There are settings in the Pressbooks authoring interface for the H5P content that had disabled the reuse, rights of use, and embed buttons. Perhaps they do not want to share or just wanted a simpler display? Either way that’s not as open as it could be, they have taken away one of the 5 Rs.

I would suggest contacting the Augustine Library authors with your interest. They might be able to make the change or share the H5P content files (?). Or if you have access to a hosted Pressbooks platform your tech staff might be able to clone a copy of the Pressbook with all the H5P there.

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