Unable to Travel to Brisbane? Wait! Don't Close the Window Yet on OEGlobal 24 Participation!

Plans are in full motion for the OE Global 24 Conference in Brisbane, Australia, currently with the open call for proposals.

Before you stop and click away, we know that the severe limits on who can arrange the costs and time for conference travel. With the conference theme of Open is Everybody’s Business I am dedicated to exploring the ways we can make sure that is not limited to those who can be in Brisbane.

There are ways through this barrier.

2015/365/6 Barriers Here, Barriers There flickr photo by cogdogblog shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

In most conversations on this point, questions go to “will this be a hybrid conference?” usually implying an expectation to present online. That is not in the works here (there is a whole other conversation I could have about the challenges of timezones and pitfalls of expectations for audience).

A bigger question is, especially having just returned from the OER24 conference (in person) - is doing presentation really the only means of participation, of getting value from tapping into a conference experience?

Looking Back

Our 2020 and 2021 conferences were fully online, making use of the OEG Connect as a “venue”, we did that well considering world circumstances.

With appreciating that the participation barrier was lower (and participating was more than presenting live), for the 2022 conference in Nantes and the 2023 conference in Edmonton, we offered what we coined as an “AND Conference” concept- offering some live elements (live streamed sessions and conversations from the venue) with asynchrnous activities.

The idea is not to promise some online attempt to replicate the in person experience, but create points of collaboration, discussions, co-creation, networking- much of the value that happens outside of the session rooms.


We are looking these means of participation that would be available for educators who cannot make it to Brisbane, and available at no cost here in OEG Connect.

  • Live streamed / recorded keynotes. This is definitely in the plans. This addresses what are major time zone challenges, but we also want to look for ways to engage in live/later discussions.
  • OE Global Voices Live: (Before During After) For last year’s conference in Edmonton, we ran our series of live web casts with conference organizers and participants before the conference, from the conference itself, and a post conference recap.
  • Live streams informal breaks We aim to bring the excitement and possibilities to tune into a live video or audio stream so you can hear from participants “on the conference floor” but maybe, ideally, speak back to them.
  • All Presentations Posted in OEG Connect All abstracts will be available and presenters are encouraged to share not only slide decks, but other ancillary material, and it affords to chance to ask questions, engage in dialog
  • Social/Interactive Activities We organize (or you do!) ways to create connections as an “interaction” space (see examples from the 2022 conference)

Another idea I am suggesting, especially for those looking to present/share their work, is some kind of pre-conference un-conference activity say a month before the conference opens. We would invite anyone to share their work that connects to the conference theme in a format suited for accessing asynchronously,

You Tell Us

These are really my ideas of what we ought to be able to add to the conference to make it broader than the 3 days for those in Brisbane. But I am very curious to here- if you are not able to travel to an international conference, what would be efficient, effective ways for you to gain from the experience (beyond seeking a dedicated presentation time to an audience)?

What would be beneficial as you fit this in with your regular activities?


Interesting ideas here. My team and I (at Frontiers for Young Minds, https://kids.frontiersin.org/) are really keen to participate and I will submit a presentation proposal.
However we simply don’t have the budget (over 1200CHF for travel alone) to come in person to Brisbane, so for us one key point would be the ability to interact on BOTH our own timezone, with virtual attendees, and on Brisbane time live with the conference.

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Thanks Laura, I hope you know how much we appreciate the participation of Frontiers for Young Minds in our previous conferences, and honestly what a fantastic success the program is.

Yes, there will be for sure live streamed sessions from Brisbane (also recorded) with means of at least live chat, plus the other live events we have tried in the past from the conferences in Edmonton and Nantes.

We will encourage as well open exchange and sharing here in OEG Connect. What would be something effective for you to do n your timezone? Would something like a pre-Brisbane unconference online work, maybe a few live sessions, but more asynchronous.

I hope that someone (and it could be you) this year nominates Frontiers for Young Minds in the 2024 OE Awards for Excellence, where the form opens for these on Monday, May 13.

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Thank you Alan, my team and I really value your kind words of support. I have nominated FYM for the Awards as you suggested!

I look forward to the streamed + recorded sessions from Brisbane. For sure I would participate in an unconference online before the main event, some live sessions on other timezones would be really valuable!

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One of the best entirely-virtual conferences I have ever attended used “Whova”- giving participants points for sharing articles and other types of participation. I don’t think there was really a prize or anything, so the points didn’t have much purpose- but they helped encourage people to participate which in turn helped loosen people up and made discussions lively. It would be awesome if more conferences had elements like that- just encouraging virtual participation in discussions etc. It’s easy to feel like you don’t belong when you are limited to interacting from behind a computer screen…