Gratitude: Thanking faculty for their role in OER

The faculty role creating and adapting Open Educational Resources is substantial. The investment they make in their time is often far greater than any compensation they receive. However, when asked, they usually state that it is worth their effort for the impact it has on students, whether increasing access or student learning outcomes.

While students often realize that their materials are more accessible and better aligned with the goals of the course, and some realize that the materials are even developed for their student population, few students grasp the dedication required by faculty to the art of teaching and learning to use OER.

By recognizing faculty, the use of open education becomes discussed in the hallways, students become more aware, and momentum around open education is built.

This presentation will provide a number of ways higher education institutions are thanking their faculty for their investment in making Open Educational Resources available for their faculty. The presenter will share how institutions can recognize faculty as well as how student awareness can be raised in knowing the efforts their faculty are taking to ensure they have access to these materials.

Participants of this session will not only learn about ways they can recognize their faculty, they will also have access to a resource site they can use and customize (because it is OER) for their institutions. Additionally, a collaborative tool will be used to encourage the audience to share how they thank faculty at their institutions, or simply share their great ideas. The collaborative tool and resource site will continue to be available after the conference.


:eye_in_speech_bubble: Presented by:: Lisa Young
:sun: Conference Track: Lightning Talks
:spiral_calendar: Track Date/Time: 2022-05-25T09:40:00Z (your local time)
:speech_balloon: Language: English
:calling: Pretalx link: Gratitude: Thanking faculty for their role in OER :: Open Education Global 2022 :: pretalx

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Authors are asked to reply below with links to presentation materials, videos, and other relevant resources, as well as posting prompts for discussion.

Conference participants can reply below with questions, comments for the presenters or to share related resources. And please add anything relevant from this session as an annotation to a specific part of the UNESCO OER Recommendation.

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Here is the link to my presentation. I hope you enjoy it!

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Thank for sharing early, Lisa. I am excited to catch up on all this great progress at Maricopa, and I hope you get some good questions/feedback here.

Gratitude is such an essential element…

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Sure was inspiring.
Thankfully, that inspiration can carry us through some rough patches.

For this, I’m grateful to you, @lcbyoung .

Brought this up casually during Keep Badges Weird community calls. Don’t think I shared the link to the presentation, so far. Will remind myself to do so, next time.