Adeline Bossu (PhDOOC association), Maya Anderson-Gonzalez (membre de PhDOOC), Bénédicte Gnangnon (PhDOOC - Harvard School of Public Health), Sarah Richard (PhDOOC)
Résumé :
Après une rapide présentation des pratiques collaboratives utilisées dans le MOOC Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière, l’atelier se focalisera sur un dispositif en particulier proposé pendant le MOOC : Le DocToDoc, créé pour renforcer l’esprit de la communauté avec un soutien entre participant.e.s. Les résultats du DocToDoc de la saison 5 seront présentés puis les participant.e.s seront ensuite invité.e.s à échanger afin de lister les leviers de réussite et les freins à la réalisation de ces collectifs pour enfin proposer des améliorations possibles aux constitutions et fonctionnements des groupes d'entraide autour et avec des OER dans le cadre du MOOC Doctorat et Poursuite de Carrière.
After providing a brief overview of the collaborative practices used in the PhD and Career Development MOOC, the workshop will focus on a particular system proposed during the MOOC, called DocToDoc. This system was created to foster a sense of community among the participants, and encourage them to support each other by working in groups or pairs to complete the MOOC. The results from the DocToDoc from season 5 will be presented and the participants will then be invited to interact with each other to list the levers for and the obstacles to success. The end goal of the session will be to come up with some improvements to the constitution and functioning groups for and with OERs, within the framework of the MOOC PhD and Career Development.
This activity can be completed at any time during (or after) the conference.
Instructions and materials for the activity will be added below by the authors. They will provide specific details on how to participate and what to share back as a response to the activity.
Welcome to our PhDOOC asynchronous interactive activity space!
Our interactive activity is inviting you to exchange ideas or practices around learning groups with open educational resources.
Our proposal is based on our associative activities: the MOOC PhDOOC, created to provide training and support to PhD candidates and holders in their career development. During last seasons, our team felt the needs to improve learning groups (to help foster a sense of community among participants, and allow them to work closely and support each other to complete the MOOC). So we had proposed the DocToDoc system.
DocToDoc is optional (i.e. participants have the choice to join it or not during the MOOC), and allows participants to make autonomous pairs or groups who can support each other to discuss the MOOC content and complete the activities.
We have invited MOOC participants to introduce themselves and join groups :
and all of the DocToDoc materials both in French and in English.
Activity We invite you to reflect on the DocToDoc survey results, in order to list the levers for success and the obstacles to the constitution of groups and finally to suggest potential improvements, practices or tools you think we should use.
With your ideas and comments we will be able to prepare the DocToDoc system for season 6!
I do not have any suggestions as your surveys and 5 seasons of success suggest it is working well to have these small informal groups.
But I was part of a faculty development project for some 500 participants at the University of Guadalajara and we instituted something similar (groups of three as “triads”) for creating small sized peer support structures within the larger group - it was left to them to decide how to meet/connect. I was convinced then and confirmed even more seeing the results of Doc-to-Doc that this can be valuable for participants in a large group experience.
And we did not have padlet then! It works so well here for the team self formation.
Thank you for sharing your project. It shows a great use of padlet and I also like the suggestions to add a calendar and code of ethics - very important for asynchronous online work. In season 5, 11 out of 34 students did not find a teammate, so I’m wondering if perhaps the Padlet entries could be rearranged or refreshed from time to time so that all entries get viewed more equally and people have a better chance of connecting with like-minded partners? Anyway, I’ll adapt your idea for connecting my research students and see how it works out. Thank you.