MoodleNet: An Update - Our platform for sharing Open Educational Resources in line with UNESCO's SDG4

MoodleNet was relaunched in September 2021 as the platform to share open educational content to address UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education.

MoodleNet is open source, free and can be installed and used by any institution and federated with a central global MoodleNet installation to allow anyone to find, curate and re-use open educational resources globally (OER). MoodleNet has been specifically designed to be used in any effective learning environment and learning management system and is directly integrated with Moodle.

The power of MoodleNet is in bringing educators together around curriculum areas to curate, and develop resources, as well as engage in professional learning and development. These communities are not siloed, but exist across federated instances of MoodleNets.

By taking this federated approach with MoodleNet, we give development partners a place to publish of their own which is also connected to millions of educators worldwide. We can link deeply with teaching tools of all kinds, and ensure that there is a virtuous cycle of review to ensure that quality education prevails.


:eye_in_speech_bubble: Presented by:: Paul Hodgson and Martin Dougiamas
:sun: Conference Track: Thematic Session: Frontier Technologies
:spiral_calendar: Track Date/Time: 2022-05-24T09:20:00Z (your local time)
:speech_balloon: Language: English
:calling: Pretalx link: MoodleNet: An Update - Our platform for sharing Open Educational Resources in line with UNESCO's SDG4 :: Open Education Global 2022 :: pretalx

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Hello everyone, I will be online to discuss MoodleNet in the afternoon after our presentation in Auditorium 450 at 11:20 Nantes time.
MoodleNet OE Global May 2022.pdf (8.9 MB)